Zettelkasten Forum

Zettlr and internal link

edited March 2022 in Software & Gadgets

Is there anybody using Zettlr (I am on windows)? I have a question regarding internal linking and I must misunderstand something.

I would rather use a link-as-search to be as future proof and software agnostic as possible. I also prefer to use a UID internal to the body of the text instead of using a filename as I am very new to this and still changing my titles. To create an internal link, I copy the UID number of the filename (without the title) at the top of the body of my zettel. Then in my second zettel, I open a [[]] and inside I paste the UID number of the first zettel. The [[UID]] becomes green. When I hover on it it says that the file is not found. When I click on it, a search is launched and I have my two zettels that appear in the search bar but the target zettel does not open automatically. Is it normal? Should it only open in the search bar?

I saw that a "#" was sometimes set before the UID (in the body) of the zettel of origin. Is this necessary besides to denote that it is the zettel of origin?

Thank you and sorry if it is a bit messy (or very obvious), I am totally new with markdown and all of these softwares!


  • How are you obtaining the IDs? Use ctrl-n to create a new markdown file. Use crtl-Shift-L to copy the ID of a new file, and ctrl-V to paste it. If you want the title to appear in the listing, use this syntax at the beginning of your file:

    # ID Your title

    There should be exactly one space between the heading level one character # and the ID, or else you may see files with more spaces listed above the directory you chose for your Zettelkasten.

    To show the titles with the filenames in the File Manager (the leftmost pane),
    set Preferences > General > Display files using > First heading level 1 if applicable. Your files will be located by ID and you will be able to change the titles without changing the filename.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • Thanks for your help and your suggestions. I set up what you suggested and it help me clarify a few points on how to organize the body of a zettel. Pitifully, it still does not work although following your advices. I'll keep on looking for a solution. There is definitely somehting I am doing wrong. Thanks anyway :)

  • @oryal said:
    Thanks for your help and your suggestions. I set up what you suggested and it help me clarify a few points on how to organize the body of a zettel. Pitifully, it still does not work although following your advices.

    Well, what are you doing? I'll need to see your procedure step-by-step.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

    • I create a new zettel with ctrl+n.
    • I save it with the filename "UID test 1".
    • In the body of the zettel, I put a #, then a space, then the same UID as in the filname, and the title "ZK 1", which gives me a line: "# UID ZK 1". I note that I cannot type ctrl+shift+L to copy the ID. I have to copy it from the filename. I have this issue with both computers laptop and desktop.

    • I create another zettel with ctrl+n.

    • I save it with the filename "UID test 2".
    • For the title of the zettel, I do as with the previous zettel. I have this title: "# UID ZK 2".

    I deliberately give different titles to the filename and body of the zettel to better understand how it works and see which action has which consequences.

    To create an internal link in "# UID ZK 1" from the zettel "# UID ZK 2":

    • I copy the UID from the title "# UID ZK 2". I only copy the UID and not the rest of the title.
    • In the zettel "# UID ZK 1", I open a [[]] on a line below the title. Inside the [[]] there is a drop-down menu that appears. I do not choose from this drop-down menu. From what I got, this would link to the filename. Instead of choosing from the drop-down menu, I paste inside the [[]] the UID from ZK 2.
    • When I move the mouse cursor over the newly created [[UID]], a message shows "the requested file was not found".

    I did as you mentioned and chose in Preferences/General/Display Files Using/First Heading level 1 If Applicable.

  • edited March 2022

    @oryal said:
    I note that I cannot type ctrl+shift+L to copy the ID. I have to copy it from the filename. I have this issue with both computers laptop and desktop.

    The command ctrl+shift+L copies the ID of the file to the clipboard. The ID won't appear in the file until you paste it with ctrl-v.

    Try this instead.

    1. Use ctrl-n to create a new file.
    2. Type ctrl-shift-L.
    3. Type ctrl-v to paste the ID where you want.

    Let me know what happens.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • I tried this sequence and nothing got pasted typing ctrl+v.

  • @oryal said:
    I tried this sequence and nothing got pasted typing ctrl+v.

    Then there is something more basic going on.

    If I were in technical support my script would instruct me to suggest re-wiring your home and replacing the entire electrical delivery system, including the power substations and electrical generation plant, not to mention replacing your computer. I would hold on until this was finished. Ignore this unprofessional outburst.

    I'm going to ask some dumb questions. Are you able to copy any text using ctrl+c followed by ctrl+v? It's unlikely to be the caps lock. I tried the same sequences with the caps lock on and it still worked for me. What operating system are you using? Assuming Windows, this is what Microsoft suggests. You haven't been modifying the key map by any chance, have you?

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • No changes done on the key map (not intentionally at least).
    I can copy and paste with ctrl+c and ctrl+v without problem.
    It is the use of ctrl+shift+v that does not work.
    I tried uninstalling, switching off/switching on my computer and reinstalling Zettlr but this makes no difference.

  • @oryal said:

    No changes done on the key map (not intentionally at least).
    I can copy and paste with ctrl+c and ctrl+v without problem.
    It is the use of ctrl+shift+v that does not work.

    ctrl-shift-L you mean.>

    At this point I am at a loss. I still don't know what operating system you are using. I think you might try contacting the developer.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • Yes, sorry, ctrl+shift+L.

    Thank you very much for time and effort anyway! Even without the possibility of a direct link, The search function still works. Old school but working, that’s all I need :)

    Thanks again!

  • The quotes have been edited lightly for clarity:

    @oryal said:
    No changes done on the key map (not intentionally at least).
    I can copy and paste with ctrl+c and ctrl+v without problem.
    It is the use of ctrl+shift+L that does not work.

    @ZettelDistraction said:
    At this point I am at a loss. I still don't know what operating
    system you are using. I think you might try contacting the

    @oryal said:
    Thank you very much for time and effort anyway! Even without
    the possibility of a direct link, The search function still works.
    Old school but working, that’s all I need :)

    One option now would be for you both to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet in Gather Town, then @oryal can share their screen and @ZettelDistraction can watch what they do. I've caught so many errors/misconceptions by a simple screen share, sometimes after many hours of failing to get any level of understanding via screens full of "explanations".

  • edited March 2022

    @RiderOfGiraffes said:
    One option now would be for you both to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet in Gather Town, then @oryal can share their screen and @ZettelDistraction can watch what they do. I've caught so many errors/misconceptions by a simple screen share, sometimes after many hours of failing to get any level of understanding via screens full of "explanations".

    That sounds reasonable but I'm stretched for time. If my Erdös number were higher than yours, then I would have no choice. :trollface:

    Post edited by ZettelDistraction on

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @RiderOfGiraffes said:
    One option ... share their screen and ... watch what they do.

    @ZettelDistraction said:
    That sounds reasonable but I'm stretched for time. If my Erdös number were higher than yours, then I would have no choice. :trollface:

    I appreciate that lack of time is a problem. I might have the time, but don't have the knowledge. You have the knowledge, but lack the time. Such is life.

    I'm not sure why having a higher Erdös number would make a difference, but since they appear to be equal, there seems to be neither gain nor loss.

    Do you have an Erdös number of the second type? Mine is 3 (and first type is 2).

  • It was a joke. My Erdös number of the first type is 2. I don't know what my second type Erdös number is--it could be infinite. That's a tie breaker. I may be obligated after all.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @ZettelDistraction said:
    It was a joke.

    I guessed.

    My Erdös number of the first type is 2.

    As is in your .sig, so I got that right.

    I don't know what my second type Erdös number is--it could be infinite.

    Perfectly possible, and very common.

    That's a tie breaker. I may be obligated after all.

    No ... no obligation.

  • edited March 2022

    @RiderOfGiraffes said:

    Perfectly possible, and very common.

    A mere commoner or worse: a member of the "fringe classes." During WWII some British were concerned that American soldiers stationed in England were leading the fringe classes on about the possibility of upward mobility. My apologies: my mother was British, and although I thought I had overcome the pedigree- and class-sensitivities I had picked up from her in childhood, occasionally they resurface.

    Post edited by ZettelDistraction on

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @ZettelDistraction : I don't know what my second type Erdös number is--it could be infinite.

    @RiderOfGiraffes : Perfectly possible, and very common.

    @ZettelDistraction said:
    A mere commoner or worse: a member of the "fringe classes." During WWII some British were concerned that American soldiers stationed in England were leading the fringe classes on about the possibility of upward mobility. My apologies: my mother was British, and although I thought I had overcome the pedigree- and class-sensitivities I had picked up from her in childhood, occasionally they resurface.

    I'm Australian, and that alternate interpretation never occurred to me, so let me re-phrase: The vast majority of people don't have a finite Erdös number at all, and among those who do have one, many don't have a finite Erdös number of the second type, having only authored papers with strictly more than two authors.

    But we are way off-topic.

  • Aside from those published under one's own name, that is. Yes, off topic.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

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