Writing a book with the Zettelkasten method and The Archive app
I am writing a book and would like some feedbacks and best practices from you, regarding the method and organization.
I use now The Archive app and Google Docs.
Here is my organization:
I have a master file (a structure note) containing the outline of the book, ie the different chapters. Each chapter is a link in the structure note.
In the structure note, I put also some misc notes, like research notes.
I put a special tag in the filename of the chapters (like @b1 for book number 1).
I can check the total number of words up to date with the shell command: wc -w *@b1*.md
The step I didn't like very much is that I need to edit and compile the chapters in another tool. I use Google docs for that. Each time I find a mistake in my content, I need to modify the content in Google Docs and in The Archive app (source of my content). Not very efficient.
Please comment my workflow and share your practices :-)
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@xal, I recently posted a video showing exactly how I do this. In the video, I showed how I write a simple journalistic paper, but this workflow can be extended by making a structure note for each chapter then tieing all the chapters together.
Using your ZK to write — Zettelkasten Forum
In this recent thread, there is some discussion, primarily pointing out the impracticality of this workflow.
I feel your pain. Marked2 is the tool that can help solve this. Check out the video reverenced above. It is tied to The Archive intimately. Marked2 has lots of writerly tools, including granular word counting.
How close to a final product do you get in the Zettelkasten? — Zettelkasten Forum
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Thank you Will.