What were your ZK plans for 27 Feb - 5 Mar and your success from last week?
2022 Week 8
I'm trying out a new date format for the title of this thread. Let me know what you think. Are we starting this tread on a bad day? Maybe starting on Monday or Thursday would make more sense?
Please share what small or large ZK successes you had in the past week. Please share your plans are for this coming week. Use this as a public responsibility thread. Use it to hold yourself accountable. Use this as a way to start a conversation.
Junior Fledgling Zettelkasten Statistics
575067 Total word count
10070 Total link count
2549 Total zettel count
Last Week
- Impermanence is all around me. Everything I see is a temporary arrangement of atoms soon dispersed and reassembled into new arrangements. My attention is also always temporary. Attention flitters from one object to another in a time frame that speeds up and slows just a little from the moment of awakening to after fully sleeping. Even then, dreams grab my attention.
- I successfully integrated The Archive/Marked2/Zotero/Pandoc toolchain into my writing environment.
This Week
- Work on writing scientist profile using The Archive and Marked2
- Studying the writer tools in Marked2
- Reading The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel
- re-engage with woodworking.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
I like the date format a lot. That makes it easier to tell what week it is referring to. Thanks for considering my suggestion.
As for when to start a week, that probably doesn't matter. When someone's week starts depends on the person. For example, mine begins on Mondays but yours may begin on Sundays.
Last Week
This Week
Last week:
This week (as far as my projects are concerned):
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Last week:
This week:
I am a Zettler