Finding Old Posts on the Forum
Occasionally, I would like to find posts that I made on this forum, in response to a "discussion" started by someone else. I find this difficult to do. I can find discussions that I started easily, but not ones to which I only contributed.
I have tried using the "search forum" capability, but it is not helpful unless I can remember something specific and unique about the discussion and what I posted. And in any case, it feeds the request into my default search engine (Google or Duck Duck Go, or whatever), which somehow diffuses the search.
Sometimes looking at the "mentions" will help, if someone commented on your post, but not that often and you still have to wade through a lot of not relevant material.
Am I missing something? Is there some way to see my past posts (on someone else's discussion)?
Howdy, Stranger!
what you are interested in is a list of your comments:
using the forum search is one option. Apart from DuckDuckGo, there is also another hidden search:
There are slight differences on the mobile version, on the Desktop you can find a list of your previous discussions and, if you visit your profile page you can find a list of all your comments as well.
Every post and comment have a permalink (a unique URL) you can refer to. You can copy it from the creation time of that comment:
I also like the notifications which are listed like Folgezettel:

my first Zettel uid: 202008120915
That notification layout is not intended to look that way with pictures protruding from the rows. Need to fix the styling
Author at •
@zk_1000 Thanks for your very helpful reply! The various ways of accessing the information I was looking for, and the format of a typed link, is just what I needed.
Also, I missed the link to "comments" on my profile page. I was instead looking at the links in the right column of any forum page, under my profile name and picture. It contains a link to "Recent Discussions" and to "Activity", but not to "Comments".
@ctietze Would it be possible to add a link to "Comments" in the right hand column of a forum page, as a quick way of accessing that information, rather than having to go to my profile page?
You mean next to "My discussions" and "My drafts"? Will look into that
Author at •
Yes, exactly. That would be great!