Why a Zettlekasten Has No Hierarchy
At the top of a hierarchy one can find the hierarchy’s concept of truth. Is thinking possible without a hierarchy? Hierarchy provides order; without it, there is disorder. How can disorder generate knowledge? • A zettle has one or more references to its sources (hierarchy/ truth). • A zettle without a source has… -
From digital to paper-based
Warning: long post ahead. Since a number of months, and certainly for about a year ahead I am transferring my Zettelkasten from digital to paper. It will also start using Luhmann-like IDs. The below text is partly from my own task management and thinking of how to do this. I wanted to share it in case anyone has comparable… -
Keeping Own Ideas in Zettelkasten?
Reading a first book (e.g. "How to take smart notes" from Sönke Ahrens ) is easy. With a set of key terms (e.g. Permanent Notes) and some basic rules you can start your Zettelkasten. Reading a second book is more difficult. An example: In "How to Make Notes and Write" Dan Allosso writes, I applied this concept to my own… -
2 graph styles for visualizing notes with Luhmann's style IDs
As some of you may know that i created an Obsidian community plugin called "Zettelkasten Navigation", The main functionality of this plugin is to visualize notes with Luhmann style IDs as a hierarchical tree(Mermaid flowchart). The algorithm for this graph style is to generate parent-child links for the selected note and… -
Zettelkasten Crash Course for Newbies: Example of How To Do Zettelkasten
Zettelkasten Crash Course for Newbies: Example of How To Do Zettelkasten Disclaimer: I used Google Translator a lot. Expressions can be strange. I would appreciate your feedbackThis is to help Zettelkasten newbies easily understand how to do Zettelkasten. Let's get started! How to do Zettelkasten is simple: 1.…
Hi from Spain
Good morning, It is a pleasure for me to greet you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Diego, from A Coruña (Spain). I am a cultural manager and I am currently pursuing a PhD in Art History. For many years, I have tried to implement Luhmann’s method in my research, but I have always fallen short. Recently, I discovered… -
Register (de) = index (en)
This has been bugging me for a while, which probably says more about the occupational hazards of translating for a living than anything else. Does anyone actively disagree that Luhmann's "Register" and similar documents in modern zettelkästen would naturally be called indexes in the absence of interference from the German… -
Why Consecutive Numbers (IDs) for Zettelkasten?
For those who want to start a Zettelkasten the good old trusty way with pen and paper, here are 6 arguments in favor of using consecutive numbering. 1) Well, the advantage of Luhmann's numeric-alpha ID-System is, you can grab a full stream of thoughts (Zettelfolge) at once and throw it onto your desk. How comfortable is… -
Zettelkasten/Ai and being able to walk without crutches
I have just watched this video The reason was the headline. I ask you dear community for your opinion. Personally, I have the feeling that systems like Zettelkasten, Second Brain ect. are misunderstood. Zettelkasten in particular is not used in the way I understand it. I got my… -
Re: What do you think - "Writing as a tool for though is overrated"?