How does one deal with an author's weak argument?
I recently came across my old cluster of Zettels on Scott Young's Drilldown Method. I thought at first that his method would only be helpful to enhance my Zettelkasten workfow. It turns out that it's helpful for practicing skills too.
However, I'm stuck with one Zettel where I cite him making a weak argument to establish the goal of one of the stages. I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm confident in that I can improve it, but should I get rid of his or keep it?
Any hints would be much appreciated.
Howdy, Stranger!
How do you deal with weak arguments in general?
Why is the argument weak?
I am a Zettler
I've mostly encountered good arguments, so this hardly comes up. When this has happened, I skipped the bad arguments while doing the first pass of the Barbell Method of reading. Sometimes, those arguments sparked my own. Sadly, I can't find any examples.
This is what he writes about the practice stage of his method:
I wrote his argument for the goal as follows (simplified):
Aside from the lack of proof for things such as "practice problems boost understanding," I think that it's weak because it's missing a lot of important premises.
I could improve it as follows:
I drew most of this from his blog post, so now I'm not sure.
Edit: Fixed the incorrect formatting of the text using
and changed "citation" to "proof."Personally I don't think that is a very controversial claim. I wouldn't expect the author to elaborate on that in the context of his blog.
Why exactly do you think Cal Newport's method is weak? Since you're asking what to do when you come across a weak argument, I would produce a counter argument or attack a premise in the authors argument, but you've only listed implicit claim(s) you think he is resting his claim about practice problems boosting understanding on.
Fair enough, I suppose. Still, when I get the chance, I'd like to dig deep into that claim.
I don't find the method weak.
Regarding the argument, I think that I thought of it wrong. I agree with it, but would like expand on it. Perhaps the most appropiate thing is to make an argument in favor of his.
Practice problems enhance your understanding, but can lead nowhere if done wrong.[newport2012+mlai10daeiu] Thus, the practice stage should be about doing practice problems to identify gaps in your understanding.[newport2012+mlai10daeiu] Then, the next stage can deal with them.[newport2012+mlai10daeiu]
I agree with the author.
Learning is about going down the layers of understanding. That's what the method is about.
Additionally, practicing a skill must sit on top of a deep understanding of the ideas behind it.
E.g.: If you want to practice advanced combos in Skullgirls, you need to know about combos, dramatic tension, and infinity burst.
And lastly, you need to know what you don't know so you can understand it deeply and not commit mistakes.
So, it makes sense that this is the goal for the stage.
What do you think?
I suppose it's about what you're really trying to accomplish. I for one would keep a seperate note with my own learning methods. In one note I'd capture Cal Newport's method as clearly as possible. Then in my own note, I may link to it as inspiration for a part of my own method. Ultimately you are developing your own method with idiosyncrasies personal to you. That is your "synthesis".
Just be really clear why you are trying to replicate Newport's argument & worried about evidence, weakness of argument etc. I do this sometimes & realise I'm just making notes for the sake of making notes, not to any end.
Ah, I didn't think of that! Very clever. I'm trying to develop a method for learning skills and his isn't sufficient, so it makes sense to make separate notes for this.
By the way, you mention "synthesis." I suppose you're alluding to the three layers of evidence. Can I ask you a question about that?
I have a Zettel on how to learn faster with a Zettelkasten drawing from Scott's method. Soon, I will read a blog post from the Zettelkasten blog exactly about that. What should I do? I'm worried mainly if it turns out that it's all exactly the same. This is also one of my biggest issues with the model: The exact same idea on different layers.
Can you explain the situation a bit more? (Maybe I'm a bit dense here, but I had a hard time following what the actual problems were in this thread
I understand your example this way:
If there's no new information, just a sign that someone else thought up exactly the same, why, I'd start with adding a reference to the blog post:
If the note turns into an overview, this might become a list item in a list of similar ideas, where yours is just one of many.
In other words, I don't see why you wouldn't add more references or supportive claims to the note just because it's """"only"""" made by you. As if that makes it worse
-- If I may be so bold: it sounds like a strict sense of note types gets in the way of merely writing down what is going on in the world.
Author at •
There you go.
Choices are:
It is about knowledge and knowledge is about five aspects: truth, usefulness, beauty, simpleness, relevancy.
You decided to go on the path of truth. So, you can add premises, improve them, change the argument structure etc. What you are reading is mud and you can mold it.
I am a Zettler
I'm bad with words, so I appreciate it that you ask for elaboration. Here are the problems:
You made a correct interpretation of the second. And I really like your advice about it. This problem was showing up at every corner of my journey and was driving me insane. So thank you.
Oh, and after reading Sascha's reply, I'll do this for the first problem: "Cite only their premises, include mine, and leave the conclusion without citation."
Cool! I'll do just that. Thanks a lot!