Online Magazine article on the Zettelkasten Method: Rank and File by Robert Minto (2021)
Apologies for cross-posting if this has been shared before. The article mentions the blog and The Archive. Gives a bit of a critical view of the Zettelkasten method (or rather, the unrealistic but widely advertised expectation/ideology that a zettelkasten will do the intellectual legwork as a sort of intellectual automaton).
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Yes, it was shared before. See this link:
Great article in my opinion.
I am a Zettler
Thanks, @mnlngl, for the reminder, and thanks @Sascha for the original link.
I've reread Robert's article with renewed interest.
This "kick-in-the-pants" sent me to my archive, and I found this note. I might share it here. It's rough and would probably be considered a structure note with the gory details behind the notes listed here.
The main take-a-way is It matters less what you read, he told me, emphasizing each word, than how you take notes.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.