Script: Get a random note from your archive
For a demonstration in my question about strengths of ties between notes, I've whipped up a Ruby script that will select a random plain text file from your archive directory.
Find the script here:
Use it to fetch (up to) N unique notes from your note directory, at random. (It fetches less if you don't have enough notes at the path.)
Command (default amount is 1
$ ruby random_note.rb -d ~/Archive/
Example output:
201701161531 Automatic version
Multiple Notes Example
$ ruby random_note.rb -d ~/Archive/ -c 12
Example output:
201701161531 Automatic version 201708211509 Buffer 3rd Wave Feminismus.txt 201309271825 Portable Kanban 201607031406 User login session management in the Fabric 201602201129 ambient interface.txt 201707272141 The 7 habits of highly effective artists.txt 201708231440 Why does ReSwift Middleware have dispatch.txt 2010-11-23_0757_R1_How to make 201907060747 Send HTTP request from Ruby.txt 201611201032 Discipline necessitates 201803221749 chmod settings for web server scripts.txt 201606050858 Function declaration kinds in JavaScript.txt
Sorted Example
Command, piping the output to sort
$ ruby random_note.rb -d ~/Archive/ -c 12 | sort
Assuming same random example output of above:
2010-11-23_0757_R1_How to make 201309271825 Portable Kanban 201602201129 ambient interface.txt 201606050858 Function declaration kinds in JavaScript.txt 201607031406 User login session management in the Fabric 201611201032 Discipline necessitates 201701161531 Automatic version 201707272141 The 7 habits of highly effective artists.txt 201708211509 Buffer 3rd Wave Feminismus.txt 201708231440 Why does ReSwift Middleware have dispatch.txt 201803221749 chmod settings for web server scripts.txt 201907060747 Send HTTP request from Ruby.txt
Post edited by ctietze on
Author at •
Howdy, Stranger!
Neat! I've tried something similar in that I my program gives me listings of unlinked, or too long zettels, picked randomly. It is fun to go and reprocess those when you have a moment of leisure.
But, howabout connecting this with my last joke?
It is very easy to get a good quality speech synthesis nowadays. Sign up for aws and download aws-cli and you get speech like this:
Now, what would happen if there was a program that, during your day read random zettels out loud? Or perhaps even followed links...
are usually not thing I read next to each other
I didn't know Amazon Web Services had a text-to-speech synthesizer, but it sounds quite alright. I pasted a couple of notes in the Polly web interface, but I couldn't stand listening to the result of my notes being read aloud daily. I now see that you picked the "Ivy" voice for your video, which is clearly the most fun to listen to, especially when she says "Epstein 2019, not citeable"
Author at •
Here a Keyboard Maestro macro that will produce a single random note in The Archive. I use it when I have time and inclination for sauntering in my Zettelkasten.
Randomness Rules!
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
On most Linux distributions you should also be able to do this with
The following will list 5 randomly chosen notes in the current directory:
Oh man! Of course there's a Unix command for that
Author at •
I'm also pretty sure sort has a random option, and then there's head or tail...
D'uh, you're right: this works as well
Or use a
variant to filter the results first. I guess it's now even easier to see N random, unrelated notes.Author at •
Funny enough, the man page for sort's random option references shuf, so it's all linked together.