Zettelkasten Forum

Link external files - feedback request

edited February 2020 in The Archive

In a zettel, I sometimes need to link to an external file, for example a pdf file.

In my zettelkasten folder, I have two sub-folders:

/media: for images storage
/doc: for other files storage

I link a file (for example 'uid.pdf') by using:


and when I click to the link, I can open the doc folder and the uid.pdf file.

Is there a better way to link an external file? Feedback welcomed. Thanks.


  • I do the same. I wish by executing the link, the file would open with the default app for that media type rather than open Finder then requiring another execution step to see or work with the linked external file.

    For me, all my external files go into the media/ directory. I never thought there'd be any reason to separate docs from pdfs form images from mindmaps. They are all intermingled in the media/ directory.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • xalxal
    edited February 2020

    @Will said:
    I do the same. I wish by executing the link, the file would open with the default app for that media type rather than open Finder then requiring another execution step to see or work with the linked external file.

    Agree. Furthermore, if there is more than 1 word at

    ![description here](link) 

    the link is disabled (we can't click on the link), and I don't understand why.

    For me, all my external files go into the media/ directory. I never thought there'd be any reason to separate docs from pdfs form images from mindmaps. They are all intermingled in the media/ directory.

    It will be possible to inline preview images in TA and it is already possible to preview images in other markdown apps. But probably it won't be possible to preview pdf or other format files. I prefer separate images from other files for future possibilities and uses. But right now, I don't have a clear use case.

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