Using Trello as a Zettel Note Archive

The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
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The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
Thank you so much Nick for your detailed article about using Trello to create a notes archive. I have been searching for a single app for note taking and task management.
@toolboxen Thanks for this! I'm not at all prepared to do a ZK in trello, but I must say I find your outlining of a text in trello compelling as something I might want to experiment with.
A few corrections:
arrow keys can be used to traverse through cards
filter is to search in the board and search in all the boards
I tried a few handwritten as zettels in trello and works fine. I can keep them with/out cover picture. I didn't use any numbering. Titles are kept with searchable tags.
Sharing it here..
My plan is to label all the notes from the same topic.
So that I can expand..
But if cards are >100, I don't how much feasible.