Zettelkasten Forum

[Feedback Requested]


I just started using the ZK method to structure my journey and notes into the world of games and gamification. I don't have many notes, but based on whatever I've learned, I already discovered a unique relationship between two concepts.

Despite that, I'm plagued with doubt.

Can someone please let me know if this is what a ZK looks like?


  • @arvindhsundar said:
    I already discovered a unique relationship between two concepts.
    Despite that, I'm plagued with doubt.
    Is what a ZK looks like?

    Yes, this is what yours looks like. Mine looks different and yours will too in a few months if you let it grow.

    I can offer a few tips.
    1. Let your archive grow and infiltrate your life. Don't limit it just to "the world of games and gamification." If you do you will miss how games are related to poetry or road design. Don't expect or force relationships, they'll evolve naturally.
    2. You are captivated by the Luhmann's numbering schema. With modern computers, we have advantages that Luhmann did not. Luhmann's numbering schema was so he could make relationships between notes. We can use search for that. Imagine staring at boxes with 30,000 notes in them and trying to figure out where that note was related to Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem. Now think about how simple this task would be today with computing search.
    3. Consider "Naming Things" Computer Literacy Tips.
    4. Tagging is less important that directly connecting 2 or more notes together. Notes can be connected to multiple notes across readings and idea domains easily. This is where a lot of the "unique relationships" are formed. Here is a sample.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

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