Manage Citations for a Zettelkasten

The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
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The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
Hi Gents,
I have a question about best practices for where to keep notes about citation information. I've read that the back of citation cards (in other words, the notes section in my reference management software) should have some basic information about the reference. But I don't know what that means? If I write a short summary of a journal article in my own words, is that what goes there? Is it it better to make such a summary a zettle? If so, what should go on the back of the reference card? Author information?
Thanks a lot!
I'm using Tinderbox as my 'Box' during my dissertation creation. In about six months, I'd be thrilled to review it for you all, should you want that. I'm exporting to Devonthink 3 to back up and compare the completely different ways of maintaining my Zettelkasten, but also to make use of both programs' 'features.' I expect Devonthink will find connections that I hadn't, which will generate further Zettels. But I digress.
Hello @christian, referencing your sources is crucial for academic research. There is a plugin for Zotero called ODF scan that provides another way to link notes to sources in Zotero.
The scan produces a plain text tag that links to the item in the Zotero database that looks like this: { | Dennett, 1999 |p.70| |zotero://select/items/0_JK2AWABC}. As you will note, it also acts as a hyperlink to take you directly to the item.
it has the added functionality that the plugin will convert the plain text to a live Zotero reference that will update as you update the Zotero database.
I noticed that I never shared the citekey format
to generate citekeys automatically in BibDesk! Added that just now.Author at •