Evolutionary biologist from the Netherlands
Hey everyone,
My name is Raoul, and I am a postdoctoral fellow in evolutionary ecology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. I came across the Zettelkasten method a few months ago, after investigating different ways of personal information management. I have tried several different note-taking apps and this search really kicked off about a year ago.
I am a Windows and Android user and use Sublimeless Zettelkasten to work with plain text files. I use a Bullet Journal and the note-taking app Joplin for my productivity, but have always struggled to organise all the information I encounter. Linear notebooks simply did not cut it anymore. So far the Zettelkasten method works great.
I am an empirical researcher so I do a great deal of my own experiments, but have a fondness for statistics and data analysis and organisation.
Howdy, Stranger!
Hartelijk welkom, @Garwyx!
Because I'm easily drawn to productivity porn of any sort, I'd enjoy seeing your Bullet Journal layouts one day!
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Hello fellow evolutionary biologist!! I am also a post-doc and just learning about the Zettelkasten method. I am also a fellow journal user. I would love to hear about your processes and experiments.