Maybe Sublime Text Works Well for a Zettelkasten
Maybe Sublime Text Works Well for a Zettelkasten
The Zettelkasten note-taking method has made book writing and writing scientific papers easy for hundreds of years already.
Howdy, Stranger!
The Notational-Sublime package may be used with Sublime Text 2 and is no longer maintained. I tested it with Sublime Text 3 with no success. However, as you can read in my article you do not need this package to get wiki link function.
I guess, SublimeText just became more useful :-)
I took the MyWiki package and made it fit for Zettelkasten use. See if you want to check it out
Great stuff, @rene!
I’ll put up links to both of you in the Tools page!
Author at •
Thanks, Christian! Cool!
I Should probably note that just a few minutes ago I committed a regression-bugfix, just in case you downloaded already. Replacing fixes it.