Question: Why put the zettel-ID (YYYYMMDDHHMM) in the heading and not as end matter?
Both @sfast and @ctietze seem to put the zettel-ID (YYYYMMDDHHMM) in the heading of their zettels, as described here:
@sfast said:
@ctietze said:
Ok, so now I'm officially down to this Typinator snippet:# {YYYY}{MM}{DD}{h024}{m} {^}Which makes my notes look like this:
# 201802220853 RxSwift flatMap vs concatMap #rxswift #concurrency RxSwift's `flatMap` maps each of the sub-sequence's elements back to the root level sequence. But it interleaves the results. ...Looks very familiar...
@Will though, while including the ID in the title of the zettel, does not include the zettel-ID in the heading, but instead puts it as part of the meta data end matter of his notes as illustrated below:
@Will said:
Yes, we all are subject to the habit of top-down thinking if we are not careful. Likely partly evolutionary, partly cultural, partly mystery. Today is 'Deep Work' for me and I'm now on a break. I'm processing for my Zettelkasten an article from the Journal of Sonic Studies about John Cage's 'Lecture on Nothing'.
Here is a screenshot of the first note. One of a type. Hope this helps.
To me the heading format @Will is using seems less distracting since the attention is just on the subject and content of the note, not on the zettel-ID or the tags, but are there downsides to this approach? Straight to the point my question is about the purpose of including the zettel-ID in the heading of the note, when the note is as searchable even if you include it as end matter?
Interested to hear your thoughts about this.
Howdy, Stranger!