The Archive Beta Testing Preparation for v1.2
Hey folks,
I was busy the last couple weeks to work on the Markdown Highlighter. In parallel, I cleaned up some code from 2017 that I thought wasn't well-suited for upcoming features later this year. In the process, I improved undo/redo of creating and deleting files and a few other things. Mostly back-end improvements that prepare for the upcoming changes.
Long story short, here's a test build that I need some real-world testing on.
(Link removed)
What should you be looking for? -- Well, the app not performing the commands you issue, mostly. Last week, in a non-finished state, some actions just wouldn't complete. Imagine the app issuing a command but nobody's listening on the other end. Part of the internal changes were affecting the sending and listening of commands. Like when you change the note selection in the list but the editor doesn't display a different text. That'd be bad.
As always, please send crashes to me via email.
If you find non-crashing quirks, you can post them here so others can try to replicate the problem.
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Howdy, Stranger!
I'm noticing a behavior that I'm not sure if it is intentional, or if it existed previously. If I select part of a text, go to a different note, then go back to the original note, the selection area is still selected. In other words, selection area is persistent after other notes are selected.
I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, I could see arguments either way. But, it seems to be happening and I don't remember it before.
Well, it should have happened before
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@ctietze what's on the roadmap for the 1.2 release?
This is Me
@apoc527 Up next is the browser-style navigation, and then I'll continue to work on Markdown (and smaller fixes and changes).
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If y'all want to give it a shot, here's rudimentary history browsing for you:
(Link removed)
Will be shipping in an update later this week. Feedback welcome, as always
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v1.2.0 shipped today, so this is closed. Thanks, folks!
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