Some larger notes causing beachball
Some notes, whenever I click on them, cause The Archive to beachball for a long long time (sometimes up to a minute) and become unresponsive. The example I've just found is a 197k file that was a markdown capture of a wikipedia article, but I know I've had similar things happen with other documents. The file renders fine in Rene's Sublimeless, Typora, etc.
Howdy, Stranger!
I had a similar issue:
ctietze replied:
Ah! ok. I will assume this is in-progress then. Thanks!
Yes, it is Faster Markdown parsing is hard. Cannot promise any timeline, but am working on it.
Author at •
+1 on this problem: it's really annoying.
@sjhogerzeil Sure! I'm experimenting with Markdown parser improvements on the side and ship them with 1.x updates, but the issue you describe could persist until I give the parser my full attention. I work on the features on the roadmap in their respective order. The parser currently is 4th in line:
There's no way to disable Markdown highlighting at the moment.
Author at •
Just wondering if there are any updates on this?
The new editor is nearing completion, but due to COVID, things went far slower than anticipated with the guy who's working on the component.
You can toggle Markdown highlighting now, though:
open thearchive://preference/isHighlightingMarkdown/set/false
toggles offopen thearchive://preference/isHighlightingMarkdown/set/true
toggles onAuthor at •