Heading Colors
Would it be possible to have a theme option where Heading 1 (#), Heading 2 (##), Heading 3 (###) have variations in color. I've been experimenting with using headings to organize some zettels but because all headings are the same color its not visually easy to distinguish the structure..
Thank you
Post edited by ctietze on
Howdy, Stranger!
Also, variations in indenting size could be another visual signifier.
You can tweak heading colors from your theme files. https://github.com/Zettelkasten-Method/The-Archive-Themes/blob/master/Syntax.md#styles-settings
The "PrettyFunctional" theme actually does use different colors for some levels of heading already: https://github.com/Zettelkasten-Method/The-Archive-Themes/blob/master/Themes/PrettyFunctional (Basic).theme.json#L49
Duplicate a theme file (to avoid conflicts when there are updates), replace the color with the RGB hex color of your choice, and you're good to go!
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Excellent, thank you!
I tried out the PrettyFunctional theme. I do not see any color variation depending on header level. I see there is "supposed" to be variation in colors given the JSON file for the theme, but it does not actually happen for me. Any idea what's going wrong?
I created a duplicate of the JSON file and made H3 green. Now that does show up different but as black. Something is clearly amiss, but not sure what.
@mitchellm Could you share the JSON? Upload to the forum should work, at least as ZIP.
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
In the zip file are 4 things. The PrettyFunctional theme, what it looks like with H1-H6 headers, the PrettyFunctional theme mildly edited by me and a screenshot of what it looks like for me with H1-H6 headers. Something definitely isn't correct in both versions.
@mitchellm Ah, that's because The Archive's themes do not support color words, unlike HTML for example. Green would be
.Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
@ctietze Thanks got it. Now all is working fine.