Help request: Am I using links wrong or is this unsupported/a bug?
My problem:
I create a wiki-style link in a note linking to a second note.
I rename the second note.
My wiki-style link now points to a non-existent note.
Is this how it's supposed to work? I figured because note titles are kind of 'id's for notes that it would somehow automatically update the wiki-style links... but maybe that was wrong.
Thanks anyone who has information about this!
Howdy, Stranger!
Hey @onlyskin! The Archive does not rename all occurences of links for you. We advocate numerical, date-based Ids for this purpose. We also have planned to experiment with a feature that can take care of this for you, but probably not before we finish all version 1's planned features.
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Hey @ctietze, thanks for the reply, good to know I wasn't just missing it. I will go with date-based ids for now then!