Beachballing app, version 1.8.2 (266) + other problems
I'm running version 1.8.2 (266)
; it beachballs after about 5 minutes of use (on small notes), and requires a force quit and restart.
But... other problems:
I'm updating on "Stable releases", which presumably excludes betas. The last stable release listed is 1.7.16.
Also, presumably the beta build number for 1.8.2 is 265, but I've got 266. For instance, when I "Check for Updates..." manually, I get this text:
The Archive 1.8.2 (265) is currently the newest version available. (You are currently running version 1.8.2 (266).)
Howdy, Stranger!
I'm receiving more reports by users who have trouble with iCloud drive offloading their notes, so that e.g. the app won't finish launching. Do you use a cloud drive provider?
The last stable release is indeed 1.8.2. (I've renamed the inconsistent labels in parentheses to "Beta" and "Stable" just now)
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Hello! Yes, I keep my notes on an iCloud shared drive. I was wondering if that might be the root cause, and should have mentioned it in the initial post. Maybe I should try switching to local, and just rsync that over to iCloud.
Any ideas about the odd versioning sitch I found myself in? I switched to "Cutting Edge" to at least be on a listed build.
Make sure to turn off the option to free space on your local disk; this offloads file contents to iCloud and leave empty husks on your computer.
I believe you can only disable this globally, but even then it could affect only certain folders:
Was a mistake on my side in the update feed! Should've been 266 👍
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