Zettelkasten Forum

Please assist. All my text files exist but the Archive no longer displays them.

I've used The Archive/Der Zettlekasten for some years and I've accumulated a lot of inter-related data in this useful tool. I'm a registered user. For the first time I wanted to print some notes today. I couldn't see a way to do this (this could be my old eyes!) but a message suggested I use an external editor. This took me to the Advanced Settings where I was presented a field to add an external editor. There was a brown thought bubble suggesting I add one. This then took me to the Applications Folder. I selected the familiar TextEdit app and added that successfully. I MAY have accidentally also entered something in the field above because later I noticed a Z in the Plain Text Extensions area. I don't know if that Z was supposed to be there or not. At this point I left the settings and immediately noticed that although all my Saved Search headers were still there no text files were visible.

I went back in to the Advanced Settings and removed the TextEdit app using the usual Mac minus symbol but the files were still not properly connected. I tried the feature to enter the directory for the location of the underlying TextEdit files into the Zettlekasten settings in two ways. One was using the system saved last location and secondly manually with the iCloud nomination (as I actually use this location to save my TextEdit files).

Last known location:
/Users/Myname/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Documents/Notes (The Archive)

Nothing seemed to reconnect The Archive to these existing text files. I tried removing the Z mentioned above in case this was entered inadvertently by me and not noticed. That didn't help either. So, please advise.


  • @whatanotetaker, I'll try and help.

    Printing is tricky in The Archive. Let me know if either of these tips helps.

    I think that the problem might be in one of two areas
    1. Somehow, The Archive got pointed to the wrong directory. Under the menu The Archive, select Switch Archives... Check the last known location and see if it matches where you've collected your notes. If not, use the Select Archive Directory ... and set it to where your notes are.

    1. Make sure the File Setting in our Advanced Settings include whichever file extension your notes use.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Thank you for your prompt attention! I believe that I already tried option 1. I'll try option 2 first since it looks like I accidentally overwrote txt with my heavy-handed typing and then if that fails I'll look to see if I missed something with option 1. (This may take a while as I am a care giver). Cheers.

  • Vielen Dank für Speis und Trank! That was it. I had clobbered the txt designation. Once I reinstated that and relaunched The Archive all was returned to normal. Thank you Will.

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