Kindle download and transfer discontinued 2025: Deadline Feb 26th
I've heard about this in passing but don't know any details.
So if you own a Kindle, maybe you now need to back up your stuff rather quick
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For me personally, depreciating that functionality may mean that similiar functions like the "send to Kindle", the clippings.txt or ability to export-and-send document clippings from an android device may be restricted by Amazon in the near future, as this is used for "ebook piracy" (sending pirated books to Kindle devices) as well. I think I'll keep that in mind when my next ebook reader purchase comes around (the color ones look oh-so-tasty).
The sad part is that using Kindle and legitimate, purchased ebooks in the eco system is less then ideal for using it in "knowledge work reader mode" because of often very stringend highlights export restrictions placed on the books. I simply can't work with restrictions that are sometimes as low as 5% of clippings-to-whole-book. So in the past, I've often purchased a legimitate copy, then used a "gray" one for actual usage; or used the now to be depreciated functionality to throw off those restrictions.
That we s customers are OK a with these kinds of restrictions is the preposterous thing. Imagine a publisher going into your home and watching that you do not highlight too much or photocopy from your physical book. But that's another discussion.
@ctietze The functionality that is being discontinued seems rather obscure and arcane. I doubt it will affect many people.
Maybe time to jailbreak my kindle Oasis. Or just download what I have on it.
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