The Archive v1.8.0 (Beta) With Plug-Ins
With the latest update, you can now use the all-new plug-in system!
👉 Switch to the "Cutting Edge" update channel to get access to the v1.8.0, released a couple of hours ago, as a public beta.
- Automate complex workflows
- Gather Zettelkasten stats to check your note's health,
- Run tasks in The Archive from other apps (via
URL scheme)
How to enable plug-ins
In the new settings pane, you can enable/disable the built-in plug-ins and assign shortcuts:
How to run plug-ins
Enabled plug-ins can be run from the main menu and from contextual menus where applicable (if they operate on selected notes, they are added to the contextual menu in the search results; if they require text, they are added to the editor's menu instead).
How to get more plug-ins
Check out the plug-in community showcase, where you can find inventions from the private beta period that ran for the past weeks:
How to develop plug-ins and "speak" to The Archive
This may take some getting used to, but with the Plug-In Development console, you can use the interactive input (REPL) to immediately execute one-liners and "talk" to the app -- and prototype your own plug-ins.
How to learn more
Plug-ins hub on the website:
Plug-in dev tutorial:
Author at •
Howdy, Stranger!
This is awesome @ctietze . Congratulations!
"A writer should write what he has to say and not speak it." - Ernest Hemingway
PKM: Obsidian + DEVONthink, tasks: OmniFocus, production: Scrivener / Ableton Live.
Thanks for making this happen. Very much appreciated!
That's great. I wish basic plugins would be written for those who cannot use keyboard maestro due to the dollar exchange rate
for example link&tag auto-completion 
I'm excited to see how the plugin feature develops and which plugins we may see for The Archive in the future.
Update on plug-ins:
Version 1.8.1 is prepared, but blocks public release at the moment, because there's at least 1 way to crash the app during launch that I need to figure out. If that's fixed, plug-ins (with global tag indexing) will be available to everyone.
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