Zettelkasten Forum

Catpuccin Mocha Theme

Hi there, today I spent some time trying to recreate a catpuccin theme for the archive. I have used it and everything seems fine but please let me know if you see inconsistent things or colors that hurt your eyes. The theme is meant to be used as a dark style. To avoid posting a file and making you download it I'm instead pasting here the code:

    "name": "Catpuccin_Mocha",
    "style": "Dark",
    "author": [
            "name": "Catpuccin Mocha",
            "url": "https://catppuccin.com/"
    "version": "1.0",

    "editor": {
        "backgroundColor": "#1e1e2e",
        "caretColor": "#cdd6f4",
        "selection": {
            "backgroundColor": "#f5e0dc",
            "unfocusedBackgroundColor": "#bac2de",
            "color": "#11111b"
        "highlight": {
            "backgroundColor": "#fab387",
            "unfocusedBackgroundColor": "#f5e0dc",
            "color": "#11111b"

    "savedSearchesSidebar": {
        "color": "#eba0ac",
        "backgroundColor": "#11111b",
        "highlightedBackgroundColor": "#9399b2",
        "border": true,
        "iconColors": {
            "default": "#bac2de"

    "resultsList": {
        "color": "#cdd6f4",
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        "alternateBackgroundColor": "#313244",
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            "color": "#11111b",
            "backgroundColor": "#cba6f7",
            "unfocusedColor": "#11111b",
            "unfocusedBackgroundColor": "#b4befe"
        "border": "#6c7086"

    "styles": {
        "base": {
            "color": "#cdd6f4"

        "h1": {
            "color": "#b4befe",
            "font": { "style": "bold" }
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            "color": "#b4befe",
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            "color": "#b4befe",
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        "horizontalRule": {
            "color": "#b4befe"

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            "color": "#74c7ec"
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            "color": "#74c7ec"

        "blockquote": {
            "color": "#f9e2af"
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            "syntax": { "color" : "#89dceb" }

        "emphasis": {
            "color": "#a6e3a1",
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        "image": {
            "color": "#89b4fa",
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        "comment": {
            "color": "#313244",
            "font": { "style": "regular" }


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