Zettelkasten Forum

Help in finding the source for the claim that Luhmann stopped using his ZK in his late years

Hello! I am retouching my section on the Zettelkasten (within my Zettelkasten), and I am having a hard time finding the source for the following claim, which is that Luhmann stopped using his Zettelkasten in his late years and instead focused on churning out manuscripts as fast as he could, perhaps given that he knew his life was coming to an end due to his illnesses. I cannot for the life of me find the source to this claim (which conveys my inability to properly execute the ZK method, as the claim, without its source, is noted down in one of my notes). But, anyway, I would really appreciate it if someone familiar with this could point me to a direction. I am also starting to believe that I made this up in my mind and convinced myself that I heard or read it somewhere, haha, even though I find it more probable that I heard about this in a podcast.

Thanks in advance!

Thriving with fibromyalgia by becoming a pain expert.


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