Zettelkasten Forum

The Archive v1.7.15/v1.7.16

edited July 2024 in The Archive

Cutting Edge release today; will roll out to the downloads page and as a Stable update release on Monday 15th if nothing bad happens.

Release Notes

  • New: More Markdown commands now have entries in the "Format" menu so you can assign custom shortcuts.

    • Inline code: Cmd+Ctrl+C
    • Code blocks: Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+C
    • Link (insert or remove): Cmd+K
  • New: Smart re-emphasis. Existing emphasis in the selection will be removed before wrapping the result in the desired markup.

  • New: "Reveal in Finder" added to right-click menu on image paths.
  • New: Hidden preference to change the pasted image filename pattern via thearchive://preference/pastedImageFilename/. Accepts Unicode Technical Standard #35 format.
  • New: Hidden preference ot change the Zettel identifier date format via thearchive://preference/identifierDateFormat/. Accepts Unicode Technical Standard #35 format.
  • Changed: Markup shortcuts operate on selected or adjacent words. This should "do what you mean" more often.
  • Improved: Typing performance in long documents (especially when typing auto-pairing characters).
  • Improved: Search responsiveness in situations of limited resources (e.g. during a video call on relatively slow Intel MacBook Airs).
  • Fixed: Moving lines up/down with a shortcut scrolls the new line location into view if Typrwriter Mode is disabled, so you can actually see where you're moving the line.
Post edited by ctietze on

Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/


  • One of my favorite features is smarter code formatting, to be frank, including code blocks. You can "merge" bold/italic sections now. You can also embolden and un-embolden without having to be precise as long as your selection encompasses or touches an emphasized part of the document. Hard to put in words, but try for yourself to get a feeling:

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • edited July 2024

    Fixed: Moving lines up/down with a shortcut scrolls the new line location into view if Typewriter Mode is disabled, so you can actually see where you're moving the line.

    Thanks for working on this. It is a considerable improvement. In testing it, I found a problem when the moved line traversed over an external link. X or X. The moved line gets concatenated to the link, and then the whole thing becomes the moving line. This ruins the link and isn't undone when the line is immediately moved back to its original position. This occurs rather when the line is moved up or down. It does not occur with internal links. [[202407110559]]

    There is also a problem when moving over lines that lead with a "-" or tab. If the line moved has a leading '-', it collides with other lines. The moved line becomes concatenated to the traversed line, which can get quite visually messy. I will have to do more testing to identify the actual culprit.

    Post edited by Will on

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Sascha discovered an issue when using e.g. ⌘B to embolden a word would reliably crash the app with this version. Won't show up if all you use is ASCII, but Umlaut and Emoji will cause an off-by-one crash during computation of locations. Fix was simple and is underway :)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • edited July 2024


    • Fixed: Crash introduced in the previous beta when using formatting shortcuts in documents after non-ASCII characters.
    • Fixed: Menu items like "Switch Archives" work without an editor window, too. Previously, they were disabled unless you saw an app window.
    • New: User-facing option to change the new smart formatting behavior in the "Format" menu and the "Editing" app preference pane.
    • New: Menu action to clear search highlights from the View menu.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

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