Zettelkasten Forum

Hello everyone!

I've long lurked this forum and related spaces, but I thought I'd join the discussions from here on out.

I am an early stage PhD student for computer science.

I've been using a Zettelkasten-esq system in Typst (a LaTeX alternative) to keep track of my research, coursework, and a few serious hobbies.

My current in-Zettelkasten obsessions include disparate but I-swear-they-make-sense-in-my-head subjects such as:

  • Vector databases and sparse graphs
  • Package queries and user defined functions
  • Matroid theory
  • Theory of order statistics
  • Whatever is going on in that feud between invasive biologists and conservation biologists
  • Early 20th-century Christian socialism

I am a little bit of a bat who is just passable enough at seemingly unrelated topic in databases and mathematics to eek out some papers. As a professor told me, it's easier to be first than to be the best. And, if you're not cut out for pure mathematics, just get into applied-applied-applied mathematics of computer systems!

My current Zettelkasten iteration is a bit weird; if it matures and stands the test of time, I may divulge further. Its main principle is to help me keep on chugging along and do some real work.


  • @jiwonac Welcome to the forum! I look forward to reading more of your posts :smile:

  • Welcome aboard!

    Please share your favorite Typst resources in a new thread some day :) I've seen live-typing, live-compilation demos and I want this for all my paperwork like invoices, letters, etc. (not sure if I'm ready to try this on a book)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • @ctietze Typst is a very promising middle ground between LaTeX and markdown at the moment. Though I suspect it's not ready for professional publishing yet, I think it will be in a few years :)

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