Try to explain Zettelkasten in a sentence
I think I've found the definitive * ** sentence that I could use to explain others what is Zettelkasten
(* for me ** for this month, maybe)
I've put it at the top of my Zettelkasten note
Doing Zettelkasten is consider information like ears of wheat and tranforming them in bread and cakes
I've found in the bread making process the most complete and evocative process (harvest, grind, knead, bind floor with water, leaven) that maps to my zettelkasten until now.
Baking skills map to cognitive skills. Starting from the same raw materials and ingredients , different skills produce different (by quality, shape, flavor, use) bakery products
Howdy, Stranger!
What about the opposite direction: deconstructivism?. This approach relies on Ferran Adrià, who brought the disruption into the realm of cooking with his "deconstructivism".
David Delgado Vendrell
Need to know more about it
At a first glance, it's even better than grinding for the initial phases, but it seems miss things like yeast and knead as evocative for dynamic of internal idea development and resyntesys.
The main drawback, maybe, is that is more difficult to explain it to my mother than baking 😁