How I view chatting with LLMs for Zettel Critique
The most important thing the GPT for Zettel Critique does for me is point out areas where my note (thinking) is weak (has gaps) and offer suggestions like a patient and watchful tutor. This alone is a fine-tuned game-changer. If the GPT had a persona, it would be a smart, but not snarky, it would be patient, but not hold back, it would act with my best interests in mind. The GPT doesn't have a persona. It is a huge algorithm of 'linked knowledge,' and the benefit comes from its ability to pull out appropriate threads and apply them to the case at hand.
My role in this shindig is to be honest when reviewing the critique. I dream of "What Would Richard Feynman Do?" Maybe I should get this tattooed on my wrist. W.W.R.F.D. This would be a great slogan to go along with zettelkasting. Try to be responsible and not give up independence to the machine. That doesn't mean that the GPT is wrong in its critique, it means the it should be viewed like any tutorial, describing best practices while leaving open the opportunities to think in ways that support your individual style and goals.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
Well said, Will!