Zettelkasten Forum

The Algorithm of Neocortex - How to break down a structure note into parts

20240306154602 The algorithm of Neocortex

#map #neuro #intelligence

In science existence of many constraints make it harder to find a model that fits. However, after an eureka moment all constraints seem harmonious.

In his book A Thousand Brains Hawkins look for a uniform algorithm implemented by cortical columns, the neural unit of neocortex.


Brain constantly tries to predict its inputs. When there is a mismatch between predictions and an input, the system immediately notices. Our model of the world being inaccurate deserves evolutionary attention.

The model we construct is not separate from our body. Neocortex, not being a simple I/O circuit stores data in reference frames Meaning, we encode the location of a cup relative to our hand for instance.

The reasoning goes for abstract knowledge too. There are no "is" statements in the world.

I'm trying to go through a paradigm-shift in my understanding of Zettling, from "PKM" to keeping a ZK. Here is a simple structure note I created to dive deep into a topic, short because I haven't split it into parts yet to work deeply. But I don't know how to proceed. Any help is much appreciated.

Selen. Psychology freak.

“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”

― Ursula K. Le Guin


  • Sorry, overlooked this in the spam tool queue. Gentle bump to push it to the top :)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • @c4lvorias, this is a fascinating subject. I have three notes tagged #predictive-processing.

    1. Representationalism and Enactivism 202309011949
    2. Perception, Learning, and Memory 202309020837
    3. Predictive Processing 202309011733

    They are derived from Miller, Mark, Andy Clark, et al. “Editorial: Predictive Processing and Consciousness.” Review of Philosophy and Psychology, vol. 13, no. 4, Dec. 2022, pp. 797–
    809. DOI.org (Crossref), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13164-022-00666-6.
    This is worth a checkout. I've lost who referred this to me. Likely was @Andy.

    This is a great start.

    I have a couple of suggestions for improving your note before I share what @ZettelDistraction's Zettel Assistant offers as advice.

    The reasoning goes for abstract knowledge, too. There are no "is" statements in the world.

    1. This is a new focus of attention and begs a link to a new note explaining how this relates to abstract knowledge.

    2. Expand on what you mean by "after an eureka moment, all constraints seem harmonious."

    Here is what @ZettelDistraction's Zettel Assistant offers as advice.

    ZCA version 2024.03.05.9

    Critique of "The Algorithm of Neocortex"

    Content Relevance and Clarity

    Your Zettel on the algorithm of the neocortex presents a complex topic engagingly and concisely, which is commendable. However, there are several areas where clarity and adherence to the Zettel Construction Guidelines could be enhanced:

    • Introduction of Key Concepts: The introduction of the book "A Thousand Brains" by Jeff Hawkins is sudden. A brief explanation of its significance to the topic could provide better context.
    • Explanation of Terms: Terms like "cortical columns," "neocortex," and "reference frames" are introduced without sufficient explanation. While this Zettel is meant to focus on a single main idea, a minimal definition or a linked Zettel for complex terms could enhance understanding without detracting from focus.
    • Use of Jargon: Scientific jargon without explanations might make the Zettel less accessible. Consider defining key terms or providing a more layperson-friendly explanation alongside them.

    Structural Integrity

    • ID and Title: The unique ID and clear title are appropriately used, establishing a good foundation for indexing and retrieval.
    • Main Body Focus: The main body adheres to the single-focus principle by concentrating on the neocortex's predictive capabilities and its role in constructing our model of the world. However, the transition between ideas is somewhat abrupt, especially when discussing the storage of data in reference frames. A smoother transition could enhance readability and comprehension.
    • SEE ALSO Section Missing: The Zettel lacks a "SEE ALSO" section, which could provide title-only WikiLinks to related Zettels or hashtags for further exploration. Consider adding a SEE ALSO section with links to Zettels on related topics like "Cortical Columns," "Predictive Coding," and relevant Index Notes for thematic exploration.
    • References Section: If your Zettel is based on external sources, such as Jeff Hawkins' book, a "References" section adhering to Pandoc citations format could enhance credibility and offer paths for further investigation.

    Suggestions for Improvement

    1. Expand Introduction: Briefly introduce Jeff Hawkins and the significance of his work to provide better context for readers unfamiliar with "A Thousand Brains."
    2. Clarify Key Terms: Include minimal definitions or links to dedicated Zettels explaining complex terms like "cortical columns" and "reference frames."
    3. Smooth Transitions: Improve transitions between sections to ensure a coherent flow from one idea to the next.
    4. Add SEE ALSO Section: Include a SEE ALSO section with title-only WikiLinks to related Zettels and hashtags for further exploration and thematic categorization.
    5. Include References: If external sources were used, list them in a "References" section at the end of the Zettel.

    Overall, your Zettel showcases a deep dive into a complex topic. Enhancing structural clarity and providing more context and explanations for complex terms could significantly improve its utility and readability within your Zettelkasten.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will said:
    @c4lvorias, this is a fascinating subject. I have three notes tagged #predictive-processing.

    Hey, thank you for the comprehensive input. I'll check out the source too!

    Selen. Psychology freak.

    “You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”

    ― Ursula K. Le Guin

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