How to get a .bib-file from Zotero that Rene's Sublime-ZK's Auto-bib can use?
In the long thread about @rene 's Sublime-ZK, he explains what format the Auto-bib function expects of a .bib-file:
Here is what the plugin expects from pandoc:
Short-form citation, most of the times a single line Bibliography entry, longer text; this goes into the autobib
I'm trying to get Auto-bib to work with the .bib I export from Zotero, using Better BibTex-plugin. But none of the export alternatives available produces a .bib like that, neither any of those that Better BibTex added or from the already existing ones.
Does this file format has a name? Something I can search for on Zotero's user forums?
Howdy, Stranger!
What I currently have is a .bib in this format:
@book{ahrens2017, address = {North Charleston, SC}, title = {How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking: For Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers}, isbn = {978-1-5428-6650-7}, shorttitle = {How to Take Smart Notes}, language = {eng}, publisher = {{CreateSpace}}, author = {Ahrens, S\"onke}, year = {2017} }
Your bib file looks fine. I use Zotero and BetterBibTex, too.
You have misinterpreted something; the format you're referring to is what pandoc outputs when fed a bib file. That pandoc format is what the plugin expects from pandoc.
With nice entries like the one you posted, Autobib should work without problems.
If it's not working, try enabling the sublimetext console and see if you get an error when running Autobib.
No error message. All I get in the console is this:
Using global /Users/anders/Dropbox/Private/Zettlekasten - helpfiles/zotero_bib.bib
What else can I provide you with to sort this out?
I think the issue here is the spaces in the path. Try, if possible, to rename the folder to
) .
(removing the blanks). If that doesn't work it will be a bit more elaborate (editing the .py file to enable logging of the bib stuff---maybe I should make this a setting