Zettelkasten Forum

Critique my first 3 zettels

New to the world of zettelkasten and could use some guidance about my zettels. So what Ive done here is I created my first 3 zettels out of a reference note from this article: https://ckrybus.com/static/papers/luhmann1981.pdf supplemented with the translation from sacha on this website since my German is "meh" at best.

The first 2 share some overlap, don't know if I should combine them. Tried to stay true to the 1 idea per note thing. All tips are welcome so dont hold back!

1.1 Zettelkasten as a communication partner
1.1a Randomness of a zettelkasten
1.1b Generalisation of notes in a zettelkasten

1.1 Zettelkasten as a communication partner
Luhmann thinks that writing is vital to ones thinking. Making a note taking system is a logical follow-up to this believe. Luhmann called this note taking system a zettelkasten (slipbox).

"Ohne zu schreiben, kann man nicht denken; jedenfalls nicht in anspruchsvoller, anschlugfahiger Weise."

Communication with a zettelkasten favors an open system without hierarchy, structure and/or order, but instead focuses on making connections. While communicating with your zettelkasten the openness could lead to unexpected connections/insight. This is were the power of the zettelkasten lies.


1.1a Randomness of a zettelkasten
The reduction of complexity of a zettelkasten contributes to its potential to find unexpected links. The internal structure build itself and has no hierarchy, order or structure. It will takes some time to reach a critical mass (enough zettels) in your zettelkasten, but when it does it can function as a second brain with which you can communicate/pull idea's from.


See also: [[1.1 Zettelkasten as a communication partner]]

  • [[Niklas Luhmann (1981) Kommunikation mit Zettelkästen. Ein Erfahrungsbericht, Opladen Westdeutscher Verlag]]

1.1b Generalisation of notes in a zettelkasten
Try the generalise your zettelkasten for a better way to make connections. i.e. don't make it about Paris or London but take concepts as art, culture or freedom as topics were your zettelkasten reacts to.


  • [[Niklas Luhmann (1981) Kommunikation mit Zettelkästen. Ein Erfahrungsbericht, Opladen Westdeutscher Verlag]]


  • @Jeffrey,
    I am but a beginner and am still learning. I do have a couple of suggestions. Please take these suggestions lightly. It's a start.

    1. Adding a short one-sentence summary at the beginning would help clarify the one idea that is being explored. I label this "Subatomic."
    2. Now, you're ready for your first structure note. More could be added as more of the article is assimilated.

    1. Is zettel 1.1a really about randomness?

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will Thanks for the suggestions! If I would add, for example luhmann's numering system would you add it to the same 1.0 section or create a new 2.0 one.

    1.0 communication with a zettelkasten
    2.0 numbering of a zettelkasten


    1.0 Zettelkasten
    1.1 communication with a zettelkasten
    1.2 numbering of a zettelkasten

  • I don't use "Luhmann's numbering system," so I couldn't comment. My understanding, as weak as it is, is that it doesn't matter.

    I have 3 zettelkasten stucture notes.
    1. H-Zettelkasten 202003231432
    2. S-ZK Didactics 202008220529
    3. S-ZK Workflows 202008222026

    The first one was created 16 months after I started making notes on the zettelkasting. It may be too early in your journey to think about structure notes.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

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