Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. October 9, 2023
Swimming with Ideas
Another installment of the What Are You Working On? thread. Add to this thread by telling us what is happening in and around your ZK journey. Join the community and enlighten us about your knowledge path trajectory. I do this for selfish reasons. It helps me clarify my goals and visualize my thinking. And sometimes, a conversation sparks an idea worth exploring.
Ideas I'm thinking about:
- Atmospheric Chemical Kinetics
- OpenAI's ChatGPT as writing tutor
- Should I quit? It would free me to switch to a more worthy, interesting opportunity. Something more in line with my goals.
- Do I know what it means to write for the benefit of others?
- Interstitial Journaling
- The Indian Monk Tilopa's Six Nails and how they relate to mindfulness.
- I'm thinking about the tension between what is easy, fun, and comfortable and what adds value to my life.
- How do I physically review my ZK notes and journal entries? How do I make sense of this process? How do I connect with what is valuable in this process?
- The ephemerality of thought.
- Self-mentoring.
Things I'm reading:
- Lispector, Clarice and Costa, Margaret Jull and Patterson, Robin and Valente, Paulo Gurgel. Too much of life: the complete crônicas. 2022.
- Emerson, Hannah and Martin, Chris and Nisinzweig, Aviv. The kissing of kissing: poems. 2022.
- Davis, Lydia. Essays one. 2020.
- Chabon, Michael. The Yiddish Policemen's Union. 2008.
Music I'm listening to:
The "My rolling ten-day zettel production" is produced by a script for attachment to my daily journaling template. I do my journaling in Bear to keep personal journaling separate from my knowledge work.
Let me know if you would like to discuss any of these notes.
My ten day zettel production
Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I don’t want to waste my time tinkering with my ZK; I’d rather dive into the work itself. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
command. Two versions of the template are available: a simplified template for those new to the ZK method and a more detailed template for more experienced ZK users. I should add a disclaimer that free templates and an example software configuration are no substitute for instruction, but I lack the time and interest to offer any.GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.
Things I'm Reading
Most of my current reading is for university. However, the unfortunate events in Israel/Palestine made me read a little bit about the background.
Things I'm Thinking about
"Denken ohne Geländer"
Hannah Arendt