Zettelkasten Forum

Ideas I'm grappling with - May 27, 2023

edited May 2023 in Your Current Projects

I've been thinking about my ZK and if it supports my dreams. I wonder if I'm feeding it appropriately. Maybe I should articulate the dream I have for my zettelkasting. "I want it to support my writing." Is this clear enough? Should I rearticulate it more concretely? What does support mean if I break it down as my stated goal?

Of course, that means that I have to start writing. Does journaling count? Part of how I've procrastinated writing is trying to automate my irregular blog posting. I've spent too much time exploring other alternatives. Automating the publishing of a post is difficult or impossible with my web host, Squarespace.

Here is a fine example of 'Task Switching as opposed to Flow,' my most recent note. I should take my advice and start and see what develops.

I've been wrestling with Python. I am learning new skills like the application of decorators, building modules, and profiling.

I'm currently reading:

  • Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī and Gafori, Haleh Liza. Gold, Simon & Schuster. 2022.
  • Ackerman, Diane. The planets: a cosmic pastoral: [poems], 1976.
  • Cohen, Gerald and Cunningham, Donald H.. Creating technical manuals: a step-by-step approach to writing user-friendly instructions, HarperVia. 1984.
  • Faulkner, Grant. The art of brevity: crafting the very short story, Prometheus Books. 2023.

I've told you about my week, now it's your turn to tell me about yours.

My ten day zettel production

Post edited by Will on

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

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