How to create a robust and reliable Keyboard Maestro macro (link)
I know Sayz Lim from Twitter, and I figured people here would enjoy a couple of tips to make Keyboard Maestro macros more robust
His blog covers many KM tricks, all tagged here:
For context and full disclosure, he's also selling KM macros for $1.99 at
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Howdy, Stranger!
@ctietze, thanks for the link. Lots of tips for best practices. As a novice Keyboard Maestro macro builder, Say Lim's advice is helpful. I bought his bundle "Tyro — Keyboard Maestro Macros for Apprentices" and have high hopes I can learn from them.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I tried purchasing the Tyro package but can't get the payment screen to accept my money
It may have something to do with trying to purchase from Canada - normally here if you are making an on-line payment they want our postal code as part of the requested data. Sigh!
Thanks @ctietze for sharing my site with everyone! Some of the posts were published in 2014, but I hope you still find them useful. I try to keep the content timeless without posting tips that are specific to any versions.
@Will appreciate the support! Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions about the macros.
@GeoEng51 could you try with your browser private window mode? Could you share the screenshot what you see when you try to make the payment?