Zettelkasten Forum

What are your zettelkasting plans for 31 July - 6 August 2022?

Share with the community your plans for zettelkasting this week.

This past week found me doing:

  1. It may not seem like it from the list of new zettel below, but I've been deeply reading and interconnecting within my ZK travel books and travel essays. Mainly on a philosophical level. I started reading "The Narrow Road To The Deep North," considered one of the foundational books of travel writing.
  2. I started migrating code snippets to The Archive.
  3. Developed two new Keyboard Maestro macros.
  4. Onboarded, from pre-ZK notes, "Not Caring What Other People Think is a Super Power" by Ed Latimore. There is a 5-year rest between reading and onboarding to ZK. Plenty of time for the ideas to swim around. I don't think the long rest hurt my comprehension of the ideas I highlighted in 2017.

My plans for this coming week:

  1. I read about and have been convinced to try a "Full Screen" workflow, and I'm giving it a try.
  2. Work on sharing my advanced search querying macros.
  3. Onboard the two books I'm reading to my ZK
    • The Narrow Road To The Deep North by Matsuo Basho - Travel Journal
    • The Book Of Form And Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki - Fiction
  4. Finish migrating code snippets to The Archive.

Here are a few of the titles of zettel I've been working on last week.

  • B-The Narrow Road To The Deep North 202207302024
    by Matsuo Basho

  • What is meant by reminiscing 202207302048
    The positive recollection of an experience.

  • A-Travels on my sofa 202207301303
    Local and hyperlocal travel, even traveling the trails of memory, is as rewarding and sometimes more rewarding than the minutia of preparing and going on the trip. By Alain de Botton

  • B-The Book Of Form And Emptiness 202207231714
    by Ruth Ozeki

  • Deep Thinking Retreat 202207280840
    Captured wild spontaneous ideas from July 28, 2022

  • B-Not Caring What Other People Think is a Super Power 202207261931
    by Ed Latimore, a former professional boxer.

  • A-Marcus Aurelius on Socrates 202207251450
    Stoicism's roots are in the school of Socrates.

  • Smart Writing is Revision 202207250857
    Become a "Third Draft" writer.

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • edited August 2022

    Last week

    Programming hasn't been exciting, but there's progress. Most memorable experiences of the week are about real-world crafts projects.

    • Worked on the integration of the new scripting features. We have no UI, yet.
    • Battled a bug in The Archive that occurs when renaming files. (Haven't beaten it, yet)
    • Family visits and organizing that my grandmother is better taken care of. Time-consuming and emotionally exhausting. That's material for reflection and new notes, too.
    • Stopped fermentation of our pickles from last week. Taste is good enough, and we're afraid they'll start to taste more "ferment"-y and less sour. More spices next time!
    • Produced 2 jars ("glasses"?) of Blackberry jam. The blackberries ripen really quick now. Plum will be due in 1--2 weeks. Oh my!
    • On the weekend, I managed to work ~2 hours on shelves for the kitchen. Procrastinated cutting them to size for 3 months, until I forced myself to do that last week. Now I've straightened the edges while my fiancé sanded everything. We should be able to fit and then paint them this week.
    • Trimmed another board to become a tray to carry food and drinks. The cut off material will turn into "guard rails" eventually, but I need to straighten the edges a lot more. My low skill with hand tools requires a lot of checking and corrections with a knife and grater because the initial cuts aren't perfectly straight. I believe I'm improving, though!

    New notes created last week

    Researched a lot of concurrent code execution details on July 28th and 29th :) I noticed I haven't had good notes on the core concepts.

    • 202207301049 Responsibility as a share holder.
      When the market capitalization increases, this sends a signal to the board ("We're doing a good job!") and also makes future invests/credit/... more likely. So buying shares of "Destroy All Humans, Inc." for profit's sake might be a bad idea.

    • 202207291636 Auto-delete 2 month old newsletters via notmuch

    • 202207291315 Task.yield marks points where a task can be paused
    • 202207291311 Task.sleep for potentially infinite tasks
    • 202207291251 Contention in concurrent code
    • 202207291244 Bridge functions with callbacks to async functions via continuations
    • 202207291243 Discover thread runtime violations
    • 202207291215 Heuristically use 'some' by default in Swift
    • 202207291136 Existential and opaque types in Swift 5.7 generics
    • 202207291029 Transform async function into Combine.Future
    • 202207291028 AsyncSequence serializes Combine publisher sequences
    • 202207291017 Structured concurrency simplifies recursive failable processing
    • 202207291015 Combine.Future is eagerly executing its body
    • 202207290955 Split git commit into multiple commits
    • 202207281201 DispatchSemaphore with convenient completion
    • 202207281003 Mandatory vaccinations in health sector can produce accidental loyalty to the mandates
      Given people try to create internal consistency in their narratives, being mandated to vaccinate in the health sector could potentially affect future research on the topic: since it wasn't up to choice, future generations of researchers could not bother to look into the topic again as much.

    • 202207280848 SwiftUI previews in Xcode Playgrounds

    • 202207280836 Enqueuing transactions on the RunLoop creates inconsistencies in code
    • 202207270827 Couple animations to FPS with CADisplayLink
    • 202207261102 Elisp to check major mode

    Revisited related notes, too, including existing overviews of concurrency techniques the ones above would add details on.

    This week

    • More bug squashing in The Archive. I have a feeling that something changed in macOS updates in the past year, but can't yet pin it down. I'm seeing patterns that weren't coming up as much before.
    • Ideally, I want to have the infrastructure to execute scripts in The Archive ready by the end of the week. No user customization, no writing of scripts -- just a couple of hard-coded script files that ship with the app so I can give the whole system a serious test drive.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • I’m still busy with my plan from last week. I’m on a tight working schedule so I don’t have a lot of time for reading and note taking.

    1. Trying to get an emergency power generator set up for our house, running on propane.
    2. Continuing to work on personal history in my ZK.
  • edited August 2022

    My little experiment with the prefixed date as a prefix over 2 months went better than I feared. (https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/15885/#Comment_15885)
    Since the beginning of July all new slips get this signature.

    As a result, however, my expectations of space repetion effects have expanded.

    In July I experimented with a space repetition system and Obsidian (plugin) based on some existing notes.

    But it doesn't bring the right kind of learning effects.

    Via the detour I have now become aware of "incremental writing" and will try this week to get further with it.

    ("What is incremental writing"

    immer am Rand der Sammlerfalle

  • edited August 2022

    Very interesting

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