Zettelkasten Forum

Share your ZK plans for 03 July - 09 July

What are your plans for zettelkasting this week?
Mine include processing ideas from The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton and John Cage's Ox-Herding Pictures.
What are yours?

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • Haven't been by here in a few blue moons. I'm looking at AthenaResearch and wondering if it's worth installing. Looks like it could be a timesuck, but I'd love to use graph database tool to visualize/traverse my ZK.

    Also working on a couple mods to my basic python script that sets up my Daily Notes for the month. It now adds date, day of week, day of my life (eg, 22007) and if it's prime (just because). I am adding one mod that adds certain anniversary dates from my genealogy files (eg, "* 1872 - BORN, Corrina White Champion, 59yo") to the Daily Note.

    Also adding a daily script that logs the names of the ZK files that were created and/or modified today and appends them to today's Daily Note after midnight, so I can see what I worked on when.

  • @hitshrink said:
    Haven't been by here in a few blue moons. I'm looking at AthenaResearch and wondering if it's worth installing. Looks like it could be a timesuck, but I'd love to use graph database tool to visualize/traverse my ZK.

    I looked at that a while back, when it was first starting up. Thanks for the reminder; will check it out again. But you might be right; it might indeed take more time than it delivers.

  • Hi, @hitshrink, my life (e.g., 24022) is not a prime number.
    I have a python script I use for the same purposes. I do my daily journaling in Bear and zettelkasting in The Archive for now. Below is a screenshot of the python script's output.

    It helps keep me on track.
    It reminds me of my finitude.
    It slaps me in the face with inspiration.
    It shows progress.
    It guides my time-spaced incremental review and refactoring process.
    It quantitatively shows me if I'm slowing down. (I am.)
    It shows a revolving list of the zettel created in the last ten days.

    I'm not fooling myself by having to guess.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • I’m processing Wisdom: From Philosophy to Neuroscience and integrating ideas from this website I randomly stumbled across that I found interesting because it parallels my vault in certain ways https://humanjourney.us/ideas-that-shaped-our-modern-world-section/

  • @Will, why Python slows down? [20220625] :)

  • @emps

    I'm a fledgling python programmer. I'm copying other programmers who keep their notes and programming snippets in their zettelkasten. I'm still on the fence as to how well this is working. It is an area of knowledge where there is maybe, in the future, there might be some interconnectivity of ideas. As a beginner, I've found most of my notes on python are recipes and afford little in the way of interconnectivity to other notes. So far, there has been zero cross-pollination of ideas between python and any other ideas stream in my ZK, but who knows what will happen?

    This note is a work in progress, as are ALL my notes. I'll build on it and refer to it over time. I can create a python script fine, but it is often poorly optimized for speed. I inadvertently do things that glob up the CPU slowing things down, and I need to learn more about this area of programming.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • edited July 2022

    @Will said:
    This note is a work in progress, as are ALL my notes. I'll build on it and refer to it over time. I can create a python script fine, but it is often poorly optimized for speed.

    I'm coming around to this--some of my notes are subject to revision, provided the revisions don't cause too many links to break. Some might be deleted, although that can go against the spirit of the ZK. I like to keep track of what doesn't work, but often this doesn't require more than a summary.

    As for programming I have a need for a script. I use Zettlr on a Windows PC (I know, get a mac) and configure Zettlr to list the first H1 heading as the filename. This sometimes leads to discrepancies if I don't keep the filename and the ID in sync. The first H1 heading has the form
    #[space]ID[space]Title where the ID is supposed to match the regex \d[\w\.]{12,}\d, and the filename is supposed to match this regex \d[\w\.]{12,}\d.md.

    They don't always match, because the generated ID has the form %Y.%M%D.%h%m, which is the closest pattern that Zettlr will generate to the generalized Folgezettel that I came up with (documented elsewhere--no one wants to see this). I have to find the place in the ZK where I want the current note to go, and modify the H1 header, then rename the file. Sometimes I modify the H1 header, but not the filename.

    A program to keep track would help. I might just write one (it's not hard). It could be done with a bash script, which is marginally easier than opening files with python, since the comparison is between a grep of the first H1 heading and the filename. If they don't match, then I need to take action.

    † Boll, Heinrich. “Action Will Be Taken: An Action-Packed Story.” Short story. In The Collected Stories of Heinrich Boll, translated by Leila Vennewitz, 444–48. Melville House Publishing, 2011. All stories (c) Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH & Co. KG, Cologne, Germany.

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @Will, ah, I see. I've read the note header as "why using Python slows down my workflow" and got interested.
    Thank you.

  • Just finished reading "Breath" by James Nestor and starting to process notes into my ZK. An interesting book for afficiandos of healthy living.

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