Hello! New here. Eager to learn Zettelkasten
I am a mid 40s trying to pivot to software, ex consultant.
More than that, I am an avid reader (https://janusworx.com/reading/)
I want to be able to write lots more, about what I learn as I lean into my new career as well as from the tons of books I read
I want to be able to sythesize and come up with insights for myself a lot more easily than my current slog.
Looking to learn Zettelkasten to help me do this
Howdy, Stranger!
@jasonbraganza, welcome to the forums. Wonderful to have such an avid reader here.
Zettelkasting tends to slow one's reading but enriches it with connections. There are a few Pythonistas on the forums. Working with Go and Hugo sounds exciting and adventuresome. Many programmers seem attracted to the notion of zettelkasting.
The Getting Started Page • Zettelkasten Method provides a good overview with enough detail to launch. The strategies apply no matter what software or no-software you choose.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Hey welcome! What tool have you chosen for your zettelkasten?
Yep; welcome! Hope you find lots of good advice in the forum (once you've read all the documentation on the site
Welcome! Love your page on "lindy books" https://janusworx.com/lindy-books/
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome!
The zettelkasten is more for the reader / writer side of me, rather than the programmer. I have so many thoughts and ideas that cross pollinate across the books I read. I wanted some place with some structure to put it all down. A pile of notes did not seem to do it. Zettelkasten, superficially at least, seems to fit my mental model
Just got done with Sönke’s book. That was a good 30000 foot view. Will read the link you suggested next. Thank you @Will
Am trying out Org-Roam, @Jvet
Yes, currently reading what I can in the site, and trying to get all my Org-Roam setup doubts + my tactical Zettelkasten fears sorted.
And this is the biggest raison d’etre for my Zettelkasten, @ctietze. To build all sorts of crazy links and insights between the books I religiously read every year