Zettelkasten Forum

Hello from Venezuela

Hi everyone! I'm Asdrúbal, a 31 years old guy from Venezuela. Just getting started with Zettelkasten. I've read about the method and I'd like to share here the stuff I'm learning and also organizing my own learning.

Thank you for creating this website!


  • Bienvenida a ti, Compadre ! \o/
    There is a lot to read on the forum, some hidden pearls and treasures, more and more as you'll add your contributions . I wish you a good journey among us :) Do you set a goal for Zettelkasten ? What are your fields of work ?

  • I plan to use it for basically getting information from non fiction books that I read, about self improvement and stuff like that.

    Been thinking about doing it for language learning as well, but I'm not sure if for vocabulary this could work

  • I've developped a tool for vocabulary and writing here : Lexicon tool I hope it will help :)

  • @asdrubalivan said:
    I plan to use it for basically getting information from non fiction books that I read, about self improvement and stuff like that.

    Welcome, @asdrubalivan. Good luck in your zettelkasting journey. Getting serious about capturing ideas is a huge "self-improvement" in itself. If you have a question or get stuck getting started, please ask.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • edited May 2022

    @asdrubalivan Nya~ Welcome aboard!

    @asdrubalivan said:

    Been thinking about doing it for language learning as well ...

    There have been several discussions around here about language learning.

  • Hello! Just getting back here. After some procrastination from myself I started using a Zettelkasten on Notion from today based on this video. Still don't know what to capture besides some programming stuff but it's a beginning I guess.

  • @asdrubalivan said:
    Hello! Just getting back here. After some procrastination from myself I started using a Zettelkasten on Notion from today based on this video. Still don't know what to capture besides some programming stuff but it's a beginning I guess.

    Welcome! You will find as time goes on and you gain experience, you will have all sorts of ideas of what to put into your ZK. Momentum will build and soon you will be "whizzing" down your ZK highway. Just start, and all will unfold as it should. :smile:

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