Share your ZK plans for 8 MAY - 14 May?
"Factfulness is the stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts." - Hans Rosling, 1948-2017. What is knowledge but the love of the facts?
Claim what you 'intend' to do this week.
How do we know you are here? You have to say something, and here is a low-risk place to speak up. Be brave.
This Week
I've got an itch. Stealing @Loni's Word Definition Deep Dive and I've applied it in principle to defining "Cognition." I'm first exploring external sources for definitions and synonyms. Then I'll search my ZK for connections, which I expect to be many. Probably the most fun/work, the next stage will be to think of metaphors to fit with the note. I'm calling this a #definition-map.
Class is over, and I have a little freedom for reading and have picked up, Metaphors We Live By by George Lakoff and Mark Leonard Johnson.
I'm thinking about when The Archive might become natively scriptable and what that will mean.
Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
Hi @Will ! I'm glad to inspire you some process of thoughts I really like the "definition map" term you use here.
This week
Wow, I have been quite busy this week. I've learnt that Martial Arts leaved a backdoor in my cognitive system.
Some news from school, not really good or bad, I have to make research for helping MiniBear. And I have realised that I made a mistake: MiniBear leaves not next week but the one after. I have more time to prepare him for his travel. Mother of the year, yip yip ! x) One other mother reminds me dates and time now as she knows I don't make connexion between the date and the actual date. I've become a living meme for parents and teachers. Is it an accomplishement ?
Not this time. I came back to my novels and see that a lot of small and big things didn't work the way I want. From the structure of Univers itself to the story and characters… Energy is not "a thing" in Univers, but the consequence of informations transfer, so I have to move structure. Dante needs more and more space, Éris and Gahéris should be far more crazy and , Medea should be sweeter. Refractor all of this, girl, refractor ! JUST DO IT !
For next week :
Do you know Vanessa Gillings ? She does cute and sweet children illustrations thanks to gouache she seems to use in a watercolor wash way. You can discover her Portfolio here
The plan is to close some long-standing as well as some new notemaking debts.
For the last several months I found that I have some opportunities to read stuff or listen to stuff (while I'm commuting or sitting with my kid), but don't really have time to make notes (since I got accustomed to doing them on PC and was too narrowminded to try something else). So I've been getting info without refactoring it.
Now I'm trying to change things.
Firstly, I began to make notes in the night, when the city sleeps. The progress is slow so far. I'm mostly feeding the archive / compost heap with some info on military matters. Most of those are either stubs or notes where I did find a good enough summary but lack a context to put them in. So to the archive they go.
Secondly, I've downloaded Obsidian for Android to check whether it could be used as a ZK platform. I think it would be a suboptimal option (writing or editing text on the smartphone is a pain), but it might be good enough to do some work on the move. And I should be able to easily convert obsidian .md files to my ZK .txt ones.
Here're the headers of recent notes. I doubt that they would be of interest, though)
[[]] Banking liquidity in 1q2022
[[]] Increased yield of ESG companies
[[]] 2022-03 Wagner PMC in Ukraine
[[]] Marcus Cassius Scaevus
[[]] Actovegin
[[]] Van Gulik. Judge Dee
[[]] Several mysteries are better than one
[[]] Number of connections between nodes
[[]] On a necessity of government proficit
[[]] Strict government proficit as an antithesis to new monetary theory
[[]] Financial Institutions
[[]] Supply line (military)
[[]] ATG
[[]] Operational warfare
[[]] Stingers in Afghan war
[[]] Copters as anti-tank weapon
[[]] Notion - officer is a worse soldier than private
[[]] Squire promotion to a knight
[[]] Materials critical for MIC
[[]] Materials critical for economy
[[]] Strength of occupational force
[[]] Reasons for military domination in internal politics
[[]] Artillery tech and precision
[[]] Expeditionary corps vs regular army
[[]] Desert storm - Bradley and Abrams interaction
[[]] Division front
[[]] Vegan food
[[]] Artillery munitions expenditure
[[]] Share of casualties by weapon class in 2WW
[[]] 2WW military doctrines
[[]] 2WW infantry doctrines
[[]] 2WW artillery doctrines
[[]] 2WW US artillery computations
[[]] Time on Target (ToT) barrage
[[]] 2WW as a computational problem
[[]] Blitzkrieg efficiency
[[]] Winter war
[[]] A comparison of German and Soviet army compositions
Edit: is there a way to spoiler this?
@emps I (mostly) use The Archive on my MacBook, but also when on the move use 1Writer on my iPad, which accesses my ZK flawlessly. Might be an option for you?
Nah. I don't have a single Apple device in my household. They were 2-3 times more expensive than comparable devices from other vendors even before the war.
These days, AFAIK, Apple not only had stopped shipping to Russia, they had also cut software functionality on the already sold devices. I'm not going to purchase anything from the company that behaves this way (that is, unless I relocate to USA and this risk becomes immaterial).
Also, I've tried to use Obsidian on the smartphone and it provides everything I need and then some. My main issue is that the smartphone UI is very small and unwieldy compared to PC or even a tablet. Single-finger manipulations just can't compete with mouse&keyboard.
But tablet is too big to use on the go. So smartphone is the only option.
@emps I have a relatively small (28cm) logitech bluetooth keyboard to bring with me while traveling outside. It does not change the small UI, however I don't see the tactil keyboard anymore and it is more confortable. The touch are agreedable, good quality, it's the K380. Maybe it could help.
Nice book. I like books by that crowd (my favorite being "The Way We Think" by Fauconnier and Turner; and by "that crowd" I mean those somehow connected to UC Berkeley CogSci/Linguistics).
@amahabal, thanks for the pointer to the UC Berkeley CogSci/Linguistics crowd. I'm finding Metaphors We Live By to be an exciting read.
A metaphor is a comparison construct.
Something abstract is like something familiar.
Something unseen is like something seen.
I'm only 20% into a first read. Please, no spoilers.
By the way, @amahabal, what are you up to this week in ZK land?
Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
As my ZK grows, I am noticing some positive things. How I engage with works has deepened: whereas I would sometimes zip through a paper, gleaning what I could with a cursory reading, I now more often keep at it, until the book reveals itself to me.
A few months ago, I tried reading On the origin of objects by Brian Cantwell Smith, where he advances a new metaphysics of what an object is, threading a path between realism and social constructivism, informed by his wish to understand the "objects" in computation and break through the ontological wall he kept hitting into. It was a very difficult read and I gave up. I picked it up again recently, and although I have not yet made any Zettels for it (I will), the ZK is already helping---my zK has helped increase my awareness of questions I care about. I have now carefully read the first few pages of every chapter of the book, and I have a reasonable broad-brushstrokes idea of the path Smith is taking. Even if I won't end up lapping up all he says, the questions he asks are relevant to the questions I think about (such as how to talk about the "reality" of frames: i.e., what is their ontological status, and partial and perspectival activation of categories).
At work, I have a new-for-me responsibility: to lead a diverse team made of different kinds of specialists (Linguists/Taxonomists/ML folks/engineers). I have started a new ZK for this, and added the ability to my home-grown zk system to have cross-zk links (Will never have links from my main zk going outward, but will have incoming links).
@Will Thanks for keeping the train going! Choo choo! /ᐠ。ퟑ。ᐟ\
Don't beat yourself about it. /ᐠ. ᴗ.ᐟ\ This shows that, while you're a bit disorganyazed, you deeply care about your child. You just nyeowd to polish the edges. Besides, you have meme paw-tential on your paws. Don't waste it! Back when meow used Discord, meow furr-ends thought meow was goofy. Little did they mew, meow took it well. Meow used the following image as meow purr-file picture and went by the username "Pheenie". Meow made Ace Attorney puns and references all the time, and it was hella fun.
Last Week
This Week
Zettels Modified Last Week
202205071632 Work around your limitations
202111271314 Definition
202205031301 Send Thank-You Nyeowtes
202202031612 The Barbell Method of Learning
202204080954 Keep realistic expectations
202111261537 Metaphor
202202191545 Cisgender
202202191535 Transgender
202112041307 The Zettelkasten Method
202109240827 Remove unworthy Zettels, but do it wisely
202106010715 Work with a Zettelkasten to get better at it
202204231449 Be skeptical about secondary sources
202204231459 How to find the missing pieces of a source
202111121118 Term
202106250739 Provide link contexts to generate knowledge
202205041422 How to remove multiple Zettels
202106251005 Zettel
202106291002 Making connections with a Zettelkasten is time-consuming
202201261430 Zettels should be about Scyketh
202201211648 Scientific theory
202201091657 Explicit form for arguments
202112011456 Fact
202112091309 Reliable knowledge
202107150757 Citation
202202071635 The Fallacy of False Belief
202201151418 Skepticism
202112231546 Science
202106060953 Hierarchy
202205031639 !2 Cat-ified English
202205051426 Use a separate storage of Zettels to aid writing projects
202110080750 Buffer note and idea index - Analogy
202112271532 Rationalism
202106240746 Zettelkasten software checklist
202109021547 How to find a Zettel's Folgezettel
202108300805 How to become productive and stop looking for the ideal software
202202191433 Luhmann-ID
202202120846 Communication
202106251002 Zettelkasten
202106250714 Link context
202106240925 Unique identifier
202106230903 The Folgezettel Technique
202106210957 How much deviation to allow in a Zettelkasten
202106191034 The Principle of Atomicity
202204091330 Obsidian
202203031504 Annabella
202205031455 The counter to the Fallacy of False Belief
202205031506 False beliefs are a source of unrealistic expectations
202202191506 Assumed gender
202204201629 How to deal with difficult people
202204091329 !2 People Management
202202251059 How to come out of the closet