Zettelkasten Forum

Share your ZK plans for 3 APR - 9 Apr? What were your successes from last week?

A vanguard learning goal is to eliminate ideas that don't work and don't reflect reality. I'm here to listen to others' guidance on this path and try different methods to see what works and what doesn't work.

Please share what you have been working on or will be working on soon. Please share what you wish you'd be working on. Use this as a public accountably tool, as a way to start a conversation, and to socialize your understanding.


2022 Week 14

Last Week

  • Continued the glacial onboarding of "Effective Notetaking by Fiona McPherson."
  • Used The Archive to write a review of Nora Bricker-Caplan's Long May They Reign - The Atavist Magazine. 2020.

This Week

  1. I'm working on a shell script for inserting part of a note's file name as a title as the note's header.
  2. I will try and pick up my reading pace in Effective Notetaking.
  3. This week, I'll meet with the New York Times writer Carl Zimmer as part of JAMM328.
  4. I'll be working on integrating my ZK with my blogging workflow.


These are the titles of the last few notes I've created and am excited about. Show me yours! We are interested in seeing what you are up to, even if you have one or two newish zettel to share!

- Life is a Long Hike - Blog Spark [20220403]
- Bartho Lane - Blog Spark [20220402]
- Narrative as creativity training [20220401]
- Deep Thinking [20220331]
        - Captured wild spontaneous ideas from March 31, 2022
- Review of Long May They Reign [20220329]
- Prepping to Read a Book and Checking its Tenor [20220329]
        - Steps for review before deciding to read a book and how to prime the mind for the reading experience. 
- C-JAMM328 March 29, 2022 [20220327]
        - Class Notes - Guest Speaker - Lawrence Lenhart

Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • @Will

    Do you keep this as a note within your ZK?

  • Hi, @Will and thank you for your inclusive topic :)

    This week (n°13 of 2022), I finaly found a stream of workflow acceptable for my writing encyclopedia. I build a world for my novels and I need to record details, create new things…

    And for my characters sheets, I was really frustrated. I don't want to use nested folders, because they add complexity, but I don't want those notes to be "on the loose" in my Zettelkasten. Long form character sheet adds complexity too, because it is harder to navigate and find information. And if a random idea strikes, it is harder to capture and link with a precise point of my characters.

    So I turn my character sheet into index of notes : the first of it take the name of the character, let's say Ardal.

    # Ardal 
    * Physique : 
      * [[Ardal.Physique]] 
      * [[Ardal.scars from the gods]] 
    * Psychologie : 
      * [[Ardal.Is afraid of]] 

    If I find an interesting fictional character with the same characteristics, I can link them to Ardal, or an idea for developement, or a study about archetype… I have more control about my ideas, and more freedom too.

    I am so excited :D

    My personal dictionnary project took a great part too, with new lexicals notes. Lexicons are list of words linked to an idea. For example, I have the idea of "water" and create a lexicon with links to the concept of water. I was studying original and personal ways to express the song of a river, or the growl of an ocean.

    @rwrobinson said:

    Do you keep this as a note within your ZK?

    I am interested about this question as well. Do you keep a record of the growth of your Zettelkasten in correlation with your projects ?

  • @rwrobinson said:

    Do you keep this as a note within your ZK?

    The short answer is no.

    @Loni said:
    I am interested in this question as well. Do you keep a record of the growth of your Zettelkasten in correlation with your projects ?

    The short answer is yes. I do "keep a record of the growth of your Zettelkasten in correlation with your projects."

    My post is a forum post about my current work in my ZK. I'm starting this thread so you can chime in with what projects you have going. It refers to a few of my current notes but is not a zettel. The notes it refers to are in the code block. Each entry is a zettel. Some have summary sentences. I use a Keyboard Maestro macro to produce links, and it grabs the summary sentence with the zettel title.

    I'm a prolific journaler. I do keep a record of the growth of my ZK in my journal. Monitoring the growth of my ZK helps me keep focused, and it quickly reminds me when I don't have my foot on the gas. I used to journal within my ZK but found the journaling relevant sometimes and stifling other times. When my journaling was relevant to my knowledge work, it was easy to cut and paste to make a new atomic note. Now I use an external app more suited to the style of interstitial journaling I do, and I find it just as easy to cut and paste when the muse strikes and magic happens.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Thank you @Will for your answer :)

    Exception made of my encyclopedia and my lexicons, I find myself having a hard time to stay focus on the topic in hand. For example, I would like to maintain a kind of blog and add mythological stories, but my researches lead me to study the flowers language, then I write a zettel about this sooooo fascinating human body function and then I end up writing about Karekare beach… Which is far of gods and heroes records (I have ADHD -_- ).

    Do your journal help you with being focus on your actual project ?

    And to stay on the topic of advancement, I wrote a good blog article about creativity thanks to my zettel notes, it was clear and easy to write and I am very happy about this baby victory.

  • Last Week

    • Finished taking notes on Hacking Transition: Surviving on Mascara and Hope by Zoë Blade.
    • Finished making highlights on What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles.
    • Began taking notes on the chapter about Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten from Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe edited by Alberto Cevolini.

    This Week

    • Process my reading notes on Hacking Transition: Surviving on Mascara and Hope by Zoë Blade.
    • Take notes on What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles.
    • Finish taking notes on the chapter about Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten from Forgetting Machines: Knowledge Management Evolution in Early Modern Europe edited by Alberto Cevolini.


    202204011016 Definition - Explicit form
    202204010955 Playing the system isn't fun, but it makes the game shorter

  • Last Week

    • 2 days of remaking a kitchen and another day for plowing a field took out almost half of the week I'd usually spend in front of the computer :)
    • Focus on contractual coding work, crammed into 4 days to prepare for the days spent on real-life work, also took most of the remaining time in front of the computer.

    Trivia: notes created: 5

    • 202203311626 Andy Matuschak calls extracting new note an "algorithmic solution" -- this resonated with my programmer-speak, and outside of talking with actual programmers about programming, I haven't heard an application of the phrase "there's an algorithmic solution to ...". Consider this to be a note to learn more of the English that I can speake.
    • 202203311333 Grapher.app overlapping sine waves -- reference formula to create graphs in the built-in Mac app so I don't need to look this up next time
    • 202203301447 Learning to differentiate structure vs behavior changes in code
    • 202203292205 OP Risiko Nervverletzung immer miteinbeziehen (transl: consider damaging nerves before an operation); reminder for future me: a relative had an operation a couple weeks ago and the nerve damage was unanticipated by them. Should be clear that there's risk involved. But in the heat of battling a disease, this might fall under the radar.

    This week

    • More contract work. Website updates. More kitchen remodeling. Maybe 2nd half of the week I can pick up where I left off 3 weeks ago with the recipes collection
    • Also paper-work and quarterly taxes. Geez! I need a cheap secretary monkey or hamster :)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

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