Cutting and Pasting Images into the Archive
I just upgraded to The Archive 1.7.6 (202) and noticed that we can now "drag and drop" images into a zettle. The image will automatically be copied to the media sub-folder within your ZK folder, the reference will be inserted into your zettel, and the image will appear - presto!
That is so much easier than copying the image to your media file and then typing the reference in your zettel.
Thank you so much for this timesaver!!! It is such a cool feature (Sometimes little things make a big difference)
Howdy, Stranger!
Glad you like it (and that you didn't encounter any problems so far, or at least none you reported
The title, "cutting and pasting", reminds me of another feature request, where literally ⌘V pasting image content, be it from "Copy Image" in a browser or the built-in screenshot tool, should create an image file, too. But that's not yet part of the app.
Author at •
Wow, just read about this feature here! Absolutely great!
Thanks! Also, glad to hear it's working thus far. Always tricky to say with new features
Author at •