Zettelkasten Forum

The Archive 101

I am very new to this method and wanted to view tutorials on creating notes that show step-by-step how to create tags and links. So, far I have not been able to find this kind of basic info in the forum. Please share any links or other materials that might help me get started creating robust notes. Thanks.


  • edited December 2021

    Welcome to the forums—your right. There are few 'viewable' tutorials helping the new user get over the initial hump during lift-off. (I botched the mixed metaphors.)

    There should be a zettel named 201802121037 Welcome to The Archive.md in the initial install, and it contains the user guide.

    Let us know if you have specific questions after digesting the user guide.

    There is also a more extensive user guide linked below. Download the zip, extract, and in The Archive > Switch Archive ... to the directory of extracted files. Switchback when done.

    The Archive: A Demo Zettelkasten
    A small Zettelkasten of interconnected notes about the Zettelkasten Method and The Archive

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

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