Totally new to The Archive. How do I create a link from within my note?
I just downloaded the free trial of The Archive. I read the Welcome page and also the App Guide. But I still don't understand something very basic to the program. How do I actually go about creating a link to another note, for example to appear as [[202111151211]] in the note I am working on?
I can search in the Omnibar, find the note I want to link to, copy and paste the link into the new note I am working on, but this seems very complicated. Is there a better way?
Howdy, Stranger!
That currently describes the best way possible, more or less. There are 3rd party helpers folks here came up with, esp. @Will's Keyboard Maestro macros to insert links more comfortably. Baking this into The Archive is still on the roadmap, though.
For the time being, here's a curated list of tools:
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