Version for Download Not the Latest
My in-app notice said I had 1.6.1 of The Archive and 1.6.3 was available, so I updated. As a person who likes to keep the previous version or two DMG files, in case there is an issue and I have to reinstall another version, I went to the website and downloaded the DMG. But, the download version available is only 1.6.0.
Howdy, Stranger!
Check your preferences under General and Update Channel. You may have it checked for stable releases only, but you can check the Cutting Edge Update Channel.
Thank you, yes, I do have it checked for Release Update Channel, but if 1.6.3 is the release update, shouldn't the available download version on the website also be 1.6.3? Yet, it is only 1.6.0. I want to download a DMG of 1.6.3 to keep.
@robin_mcd Not all versions were available as DMG for direct download. They are used for stable releases; from there, cutting edge incremental updates are shipped. If they don't cause trouble, these updates appear with a delay on the Release update channel. And if in the meantime I didn't notice anything that got on my nerves, I usually pack it up as a DMG; if I find I need to ship another incremental update first, that version will be skipped.
If you do backups like that, I suspect you're tech-savvy enough to look at XML files
If so, here's the URL of the list of updates that were shipped in the past. You can extract the .zip downloads from there.
Hope that helps. It's not DMG files but Zip files, though.
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