Zettelkasten Forum

Use Image Capturing to Couple Your Desk and Your Zettelkasten

Use Image Capturing to Couple Your Desk and Your Zettelkasten

See how to use a webcam and image preview to connect the real world with your notes

Read the full story here


  • edited February 2021

    Thanks for that demonstration, Sascha. I tried following your example to test the process out for myself. I did find one "glitch" in the image capture:

    1. When asked to enter the title of my image, I typed "Test Image Capture".
    2. The link for the image was inserted correctly but that the spaces were replaced by %20. The resulting link does not show the image in The Archive.
    3. I had to edit the link back to "![](media/Test Image Capture.jpg)" before the image would display.

    I think this was a peculiarity of using spaces in the image file name.


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