Zettelkasten Forum

Quick entries and a menu bar icon maybe

edited January 2021 in The Archive

This was close to be my first posting here. Now it became the second, but anyway: Hi to all!

I'm using The Archive mainly as a fast note taking app. Because of that I really do like the Quick entry "Zettel".

For a few betas these "Zettel" are not remembering their size and position after restarting The Archive. Could you fix that, please?

And another thing: I'd like to have an option to start The Archive automatically on startup and as a menu bar app only.

This has probably no priority on your feature list (if it's on it at all) because The Archive is aimed to be much more than what I use it for. But I'd like to point out that there aren't much note-taking (or jotting, if you prefer) apps that combine these features: One click or a keyboard shortcut and then you can write.—Data not hidden in some database but single files in Finder for access from other apps.—Keyboard shortcuts for italics, bold, &c. available. On iOS/iPadOS it is 1Writer, but on the Mac?



  • I hope it is acceptable that I am bumping my own thread after four months. Won't do it a second time if I again get no reaction, I promise!

    It's just I'd still love to hear if you take an option to run The Archive with a dock icon or a menu bar icon or both at least under consideration.

    And in regard to the quick entry window I have to correct myself: It does remember its position after restarting The Archive but not its width and height. And it would be great if it did.

  • You might want to check out Drafts 5. You can open it on startup and use a command to take a quick note from anywhere on your Mac. Drafts was created for quick notes that can be sent out to other apps like The Archive later.

  • Oh I must've overlooked the discussion back then! Will work on a fix for the window position of the Quick Entry helper; forgetting the window size shouldn't happen.

    As for a menu bar tool, I think making the whole app The Archive be relegated to a menu bar app might not fit well, but we are thinking about something else.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • @JonathanBuchh said:
    You might want to check out Drafts 5. You can open it on startup and use a command to take a quick note from anywhere on your Mac. Drafts was created for quick notes that can be sent out to other apps like The Archive later.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I do know *Drafts" and while I really like its customizability by scriptability it does lock its notes in a database. On the Mac I would have to export each by each note and that's way too cumbersome.

    That's why I use 1Writer on my iPhone and iPad which is, in some aspect, a light version of Drafts. But in contrast to Drafts it saves its notes in an openly accessible folder. Which in my case is an iCloud drive folder that gets indexed by DEVONthink. As does my The Archive folder.

  • edited April 2021

    @ctietze said:
    Oh I must've overlooked the discussion back then! Will work on a fix for the window position of the Quick Entry helper; forgetting the window size shouldn't happen.

    That's great, thank you!

    @ctietze said:

    As for a menu bar tool, I think making the whole app The Archive be relegated to a menu bar app might not fit well, but we are thinking about something else.

    Like making the Quick Entry helper an accompanying but technically stand-alone menu bar app? If that's easier to accomplish, why not?

    I'll be looking forward to it.

  • @suavito said:
    It's just I'd still love to hear if you take an option to run The Archive with a dock icon or a menu bar icon or both at least under consideration.

    It's a moot point for me because I keep The Archive open at all times, in a window on the right side of my second screen, with at least a part of that window always showing. Whenever I have an idea for a new Zettel, I type in Ctl-Z (using @Will 's KeyBoard Maestro macro) and away I go. And if I have a few moments for something else, I just click on the window and do it. On the odd occasions when I reboot my Mac, I start The Archive from Launchpad.

  • Right now I am having The Archive also always running, just with no window. I don't use Keyboard Maestro but that isn't necessary as The Archive has a customizable Quick Entry shortcut.

    And I have added The Archive to the list of autostart apps in the macOS settings. So my request is really only about the Dock icon and the menu bar icon.

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