Zettelkasten Forum

What are you working on this week (2021-01-04 - 2021-01-10)?

Happy 2021, HoneyBun!

I'm currently in day two of my university's (virtual) residential conference for the new semester - lovely to ease into the new year this way.

This Week's Works:

  • Connect with all my professors for the semester, get back into the flow of reading for school and keeping ahead of my assignments
  • See if I can't get my innovation culture team to agree to a date to meet and map out our company's current innovation culture system
  • Research case studies on companies who moved from anti-innovation cultures to innovative cultures
  • Binge watch His Dark Materials during down times

How about you?


  • Starting 2021 with a trip to the lab. Hopefully it is all running nicely tomorrow so I can read some papers while it is measuring.

    I've also finished a rather interesting book. Digital Apollo: Human and Machine in Spaceflight, Mindell. I want to try out some the idea index methods from that other thread, since I have a lot of notes I want to process into the Zettelkasten.

    • Starting to integrate my photography into my zettelkasten
    • Playing around with adding podcast transcripts to zettelkasten
    • Have a list of 250 notes on knowledge work that I'm slowly adding to my zettelkasten
    • Reading "How to Live a Good Life: A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy"
    1. Prepping (reading) for ENGL 473 Literature of the Northwest seminar. 17 books to read by May 1. I had better get cracking.
    2. More creative writing practice using my zettelkasten. Testing how to best approach this.
    3. Learning python.
    4. Processing Joe Moran (2018): First you write a sentence: the elements of reading, writing...and life, - [@Moran:2018a] Super book, highly recommended for writers.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

    • Continue my paper on diversity and urbanism
    • Further develop my PhD research proposal (the more I read the more I get insecure ;) )
    • Preparing my seminar for next week
    • Reading and processing lots of literature on future (or rather on concepts/visions of future which appears to be a different angle) – if anyone has suggestions for literature: I am currently in collection mode :)
    • Further maintaining my Zettelkasten and reevaluating my application of structure notes
    • Taking back to my content creation, and related projects, after a forced pause
    • Back to my book idea
  • @analogue_man I might have some literature depending on what you mean by this

    Reading and processing lots of literature on future (or rather on concepts/visions of future which appears to be a different angle) – if anyone has suggestions for literature: I am currently in collection mode :)

    Different angle from what?

  • edited January 2021

    @Nick said:
    @analogue_man I might have some literature depending on what you mean by this

    Sounds good! :) I would love to hear more!

    Different angle from what?

    With "different angle" I meant a different perspective than when we are talking about future itself. Visions or concepts of future seem to be more based on contemporary and past experiences rather than dealing with future itself (which makes sense if you think of it). I am still in the beginning of my research but this is something that struck my eye :) For example, yesterday I stumbled across the philosophy of Lauri A. Paul and her theory of transformative experience which I find very interesting in that regard. I am open to all kinds of disciplines on that topic.

    • Looking into different designs of propagation areas
    • Continuing an online course about the SoilFoodweb Approach to growing plants
    • Following the election chaos in the US
    • Still tinkering with citation management in my zettelkasten, including trying to understand Pandoc and CSL
    • Continuing to write on article about the kinds of notes in my zettelkasten

    @Will: What's your motivation for learning python?

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