Zettelkasten Forum

Hi from "the competition" ;-)

Not really of course, Zettelkasten has nothing to fear. But I do in fact run another site related to personal organisation systems -- Johnny.Decimal.

From what I know of Zettelkasten our systems couldn't be much different! Mine is rigidly hierarchical, whereas I believe this one is more tag-focused. Anyway, some might find it or some of the ideas useful.

I hope this post is cool, I'm not selling anything, just someone else interested in this space and trying to help where I can. This looks like an interesting forum, glad to be here.


  • @johnnydecimal said:
    Not really of course, Zettelkasten has nothing to fear. But I do in fact run another site related to personal organisation systems -- Johnny.Decimal.

    From what I know of Zettelkasten our systems couldn't be much different! Mine is rigidly hierarchical, whereas I believe this one is more tag-focused. Anyway, some might find it or some of the ideas useful.

    I hope this post is cool, I'm not selling anything, just someone else interested in this space and trying to help where I can. This looks like an interesting forum, glad to be here.

    Posted this elsewhere, as well: I found your article, referenced by @thoresson, to be quite interesting; thanks for sharing your concepts. As strict hierarchical systems go, I quite like yours.

    I just wanted to point out that Zettelkasten is mostly not about tagging. Tagging is a small tool that can be used, but the main concept is one of connecting notes in an organic network, suited to how each person thinks and evolves thought patterns. There are hierarchical tools as well, such as "structure notes" and tags, but the meat of the technique has nothing to do with hierarchy. Stick around and read through the Getting Started material; you might find something of interest.

  • @GeoEng51 said:
    Stick around and read through the Getting Started material; you might find something of interest.

    I will, thanks for the perception-correction. Appreciated.

  • The original Luhmann ID system (used in his zettelkasten) was explicitly hierarchical but did not follow rigid predefined schema. Instead it traced lines of thought for academic pulishing. Ideas in topic 1 would be encoded something like 1.b.3.2 and if a new idea or concept did not fit into one of those existing lines of thought then it became a new top level entry: 2 and thoughts that flowed from it would get new subsequences 2.1, 2.1.a, 2.2, etc.

  • Speaking of which, are there any other personal knowledge management forums or websites people have found useful?

  • are there any other personal knowledge management forums or websites people have found useful?

    Besides forums of typical PKM/productivity apps, I‘ve found these (app independent) forums useful:


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