unknown planets in our solar system
Since 2006 Pluto is no longer a real planet. Back in the day i've read a bit about the controversy in making this decision and which areas of science have been involved in this. I didn't took any notes and today i don't even recall the names of all our dwarf planets. Even if i did my notes would be lost by now. Occasionally i've read about some mysterious evidence that there might be other planets in our solar system that we don't even know about.
I find that this would be a fun easy project and a good exercise to use my Zettelkasten.
The goals for the project is a bit vague. I want to refresh my knowledge about the solar system. I also want to know what this "evidence" is about. I'm going to redefine the goals during research.
my first Zettel uid: 202008120915
Howdy, Stranger!
@zk_1000 Good example of how one might define a "project" within a ZK, although you probably wouldn't need to introduce any new "structure elements" to do so. I suppose the project could be defined starting with a structure note and you could go from there. Or do you have some idea of something more complex?
@GeoEng51 there shouldn't be needed any special elements, only the basics. I am trying to create a lot of branching from all the theories, which led to discoveries and new theories and so on for a century. There's lots of argumentation and counter-argumentation.
my first Zettel uid: 202008120915